Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

CHAPTER 6 Musculoskeletal System^277

  • Administer calcium, 1000 to 1500 mg per day in divided doses to enhance

  • Encourage weight-bearing activity.

  • Perform range-of-motion activities.

  • Increase vitamins and calcium in diet.


  • Impaired mobility

  • Pain

  • Risk for injury


  • Pain control if fracture occurs.

  • Explain to the patient:

    • How to properly take medications.

    • Bisphosphonates must be taken first thing in the morning on an empty
      stomach, with a full glass of water. The patient can’t lie down for 30 to 60
      minutes after taking the medication; this is to reduce risk of esophageal

    • Monitor for side effects of medications—GI effects with bisphosphonates.

    • Encourage weight-bearing activity.

    • Encourage appropriate nutrition.

Crucial Diagnostic Tests


Body part to be imaged needs to be positioned properly to see underlying bone
structure, identify fractures, and detect foreign bodies. The patient may need to lie,
sit, or stand, depending on the body part to be imaged. Typically, two different
views are taken of the same body part to allow better diagnostics.

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