Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

CHAPTER 7 Gastrointestinal System^309


Hepatitis may occur as an acute infection (viral type A, E) or become a chronic
state. The patient with chronic disease may be unaware of the illness until testing
of liver function shows abnormalities and further testing reveals presence of hep-
atitis. The chronic (viral type B, C) disease state creates the potential development
of progressive liver disease. Some patients with chronic disease will need liver
transplant. Recurrence rate post-transplant is high. Liver cancer may develop in
those with chronic disease states.


  • Acute hepatitis:

    • Malaise

    • Nausea and vomiting

    • Diarrhea or constipation

    • Low-grade fever

    • Dark urine due to change in liver function

    • Jaundice due to liver compromise

    • Tenderness in right upper quadrant of abdomen

    • Hepatomegaly

    • Arthritis, glomerulonephritis, polyarteritis nodosa in hepatitis B

  • Chronic hepatitis:

    • Asymptomatic with elevated liver enzymes

    • Symptoms as acute hepatitis

    • Cirrhosis due to altered liver function

    • Ascites due to decrease in liver function, increased portal hypertension

    • Bleeding from esophageal varices

    • Encephalopathy due to diminished liver function

    • Bleeding due to clotting disorders

    • Enlargement of spleen


  • AST elevated.

  • ALT elevated.

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