CHAPTER 10 Integumentary System^415
Blood testing can also be performed to identify antibodies for the particular type
of Herpes virus.
Potassium Hydroxide Preparation
This test is done to provide a rapid, differential diagnosis of fungal infections of
the hair, skin, or nail. A solution of KOH mixed with a blue-black dye is added to
a slide containing cells from the infected tissues, and the slide is viewed under a
Radioallergosorbent Test
This is a blood test used to screen for an allergy to a specific substance or sub-
stances. It measures the amount of IgE antibody that reacts specifically with the
suspected allergen.
Additional Blood Test
Rapid plasma regain (RPR), Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), flu-
orescent treponema antibody test (FTA-ABS), treponema pallidum partiate agglu-
tinate(TP-PA)are blood tests used to diagnose syphilis.
- When assessing a suspicious skin lesion, you are looking for A—asym-
metry, B—irregular borders, C—variegated colors, D—diameter, and
(a) edema.
(b) erythema.
(c) elevation.
(d) ever-changing.