CHAPTER 13 Perioperative Care^493
- Which member of the surgical team does not scrub into the operating room?
(a) The surgeon.
(b) The circulating nurse.
(c) The scrub nurse or surgical tech.
(d) The holding area nurse. - Suzette is having a minor procedure performed. Which type of anesthesia
is most likely to be used?
(a) General.
(b) Epidural.
(c) Regional.
(d) Conscious sedation. - 65-year-old Dominic is being transferred into the PACU from the OR.
Once there, initial assessment will focus on:
(a) airway, breathing, circulation, and wound site.
(b) intake, output, and intravenous access.
(c) abdominal sounds, oxygen setting, and level of consciousness.
(d) pulse oximeter, pupil responses, and deep tendon reflexes. - Denise is recovering from an open cholesystectomy. You know that because
of the location of the surgery, she has an increased risk of postoperative:
(a) myocardial infarction.
(b) respiratory complications.
(c) deep vein thrombosis.
(d) wound infection. - Three days after surgery, Mark notices that the wound site is more painful
now than it was the day before. When you inspect the surgical site you are
looking for redness or inflammation. Other indicators of infection would
(a) elevated RBC and elevated respiratory rate.
(b) elevated WBC and elevated temperature.
(c) elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and decreased pulse.
(d) decreased platelets and decreased blood pressure.