Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^592) Index
cardiovascular system (continued)
hypertension (HTN), 35–38
hypovolemic shock, 38–40
mitral insufficiency, 63–65
mitral stenosis, 65–67
mitral valve prolapse (MVP), 67–69
myocardial infarction (MI), 11–15
myocarditis, 41–42
pericarditis, 42–44
peripheral arterial disease (PAD), 18–21
postoperative complications, 484–486
pulmonary edema, 45–47
Raynaud’s disease, 47–49
rheumatic heart disease, 49–51
thrombophlebitis, 51–53, 199
tricuspid insufficiency, 69–71
ventricular fibrillation, 58–59
ventricular tachycardia, 59–61
carpal tunnel syndrome, 263–265
cartilage, 263
catecholamines, 333
CBC (complete blood count), 78, 79, 145, 205
CD4 and CD8 cells, 145
cell walls, 420
cellulitis, 407–409
central nervous system, 210
cerebral aneurysm, 225–227
cerebral angiography, 256
cerebral cortex, 211
cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Seestroke
certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs), 481
cervical cancer, 500–501
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), 500
CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), 160–162
chambers of heart, 1, 3
chandelier sign, 517
chest x-rays, 76–77, 133
CHF (congestive heart failure), 31–35
Cor Pulmonale and, 104–106
chloride (Cl) test, 447
cholecystitis, 288–290
cholesterol deposits in blood vessels.
Seearteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis
cholesterol levels, 78
chorea, 232–234
choriocarcinomas, 518
chronic bronchitis, 101
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 160–162
chronic leukemia, 189–191
chronic pain, 540–542
chronic renal failure, 388–390
Chvostek’s sign, 338
cilia (respiratory system), 87
CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia), 500
circulating nurses, 481
cirrhosis, 290–294
CK (creatine kinase), 77
Cl (chloride) test, 447
classification of surgical procedures, 476–477
clearance for surgery, 478
clonic seizures, 253
closed head injuries, 212
closed pneumothorax, 118
closure, wound, 482
clotting.Seeblood clots; coagulation; coagulation
coagulation.See alsoblood clots
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC),
hemophilia, 187–189
coagulation studies, 79, 204–205
cognitive function. Seemental health
colonoscopy, 325
complete blood count (CBC), 78, 79, 145, 205
complete bone fractures, 266
complete mole (trophoblastic disease), 517–519
complex partial seizures, 253
complications, postoperative, 484–492
cardiovascular, 484–486
gastrointestinal, 490–492
infection, 488–490
respiratory, 486–488
compound bone fractures, 266
computed tomography. SeeCT
concussion, 212
congestive heart failure (CHF), 31–35
Cor Pulmonale and, 104–106
connective tissues, 263
Conn’s syndrome, 351–353
contractions (labor and delivery), 522
Cor Pulmonale, 104–106
core biopsy, 529
coronary artery bypass graph (CABG), 9–10
coronary artery disease (CAD), 15–18
coronary artery stents, 301–304
corpus luteum, 497
cortex (adrenal glands), 333
aldosterone secretion, 351–353, 421
corticosteroid underproduction, 348–349
glucocorticoid overproduction, 349–351
cortex (bone), 263
cortex (cerebral), 211
corticosteroid underproduction (Addison’s disease),

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