Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^600) Index
obstruction, intestinal, 313–314
occipital lobe (brain), 211
tumor in, 223
oligodendroglioma, 222
open bone fractures, 266
open head injuries, 212
open pneumothorax, 118
open receptor sites, 453
oral hypoglycemic agents, 361
osmolarity, 420–421. See alsofluids and
osteoarthritis, 271–273
osteoblasts, 263
osteoclasts, 263
osteomyelitis, 273–275
osteoporosis, 275–277
ovarian cancer, 512–514
ovarian masses, benign, 514–515
ovulation, 497
oxygen, 87
oxygenation of blood, 3
PACU (postanesthesia care unit), 483
PAD (peripheral arterial disease), 18–21
pain management, 535–553
acute pain, 537–540
chronic pain, 540–542
drug addiction, 550–553
peripheral neuropathy, 542–544
phantom limb pain, 544–545
substance use disorders, 545–550
urine toxicology screening, 553
pain medication, postoperative, 480
palliative surgical procedures, 477
pancreas, 285
beta cells, insulin from, 358, 363
pancreatitis, 315–317
pancytopenia (aplastic anemia), 179–181
panic disorder, 456–458
Pap (Papanicolaou) smear, 531
papules, 400
paralytic ileus, 313–314
parathyroid glands, 333
PTH overproduction (hyperparathyroidism),
PTH underproduction (hypoparathyroidism),
parathyroid hormone (PTH), 333, 368
hypophosphatemia and, 441
measurement test, 368
overproduction of (hyperparathyroidism),
underproduction of (hypoparathyroidism),
parietal lobe (brain), 211
tumor in, 223
parietal pleura, 87
Parkinson’s disease, 243–246
partial mole (trophoblastic disease), 517–519
partial seizures, 253
partial thromboplastin time (PTT), 79, 205, 446
partially movable joints, 263
positioning, anesthesia and, 482
preoperative teaching of, 479–480
transfer of, 480, 484
pelvic joints, 263
peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 319–321
percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, 9, 19
pericardial biopsy, 44
pericardiocentesis, 23, 44
pericarditis, 42–44
pericardium, 21
perioperative care, 475–492
peripheral arterial disease (PAD), 18–21
peripheral edema, 420
peripheral nervous systems, 210
peripheral neuropathy, 542–544
peritoneovenous shunt, 293
peritonitis, 317–319
pernicious anemia, 183–185
PET (positron emission tomography), 257
petechiae, 400
PFT (pulmonary function test), 136
pH level, body, 422
phantom limb pain, 544–545
pheochromocytoma, 353–354
abnormally high amount (hyperphosphatemia),
abnormally low amount (hypophosphatemia),
blood test for, 447
PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), 515–517
pituitary glands, 333
ACTH overproduction, 349–351
growth hormone overproduction, 341–343
pituitary hormone underproduction, 340–342

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