Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^604) Index
skin, 400, 405–407
trophoblastic disease, 517–519
24-hour urine collection, 369, 395
UES (upper esophageal sphincter), 285
ulcerative colitis, 322–324
gastric, 319, 324
pressure (skin), 409–411
abdominal, 325
of heart (echocardiograph), 73–74
of musculoskeletal system, 280
unstable angina, 7
upper esophageal sphincter (UES), 285
upper gastrointestinal bleeds, 304–306
ureter, x-ray of (KUB study), 394
urethra, 375
x-ray of (voiding cystogram), 396
urgency of surgical procedure, 477
uric acid, 268
urinalysis, 395–396
urinary catecholamines test, 369
urinary tract infection (UTI), 392–394
urine, 375
24-hour collection, 369, 395
culture, 394
flow studies, 396
toxicology screening, 553
uroflowmetry (urine flow studies), 396
uterus, 497
UTI (urinary tract infection), 392–394
V/Q (ventilation-perfusion) scan, 137–138
“V tach”. Seeventricular fibrillation
valves, heart, 1, 3
leakage, 62–65, 69–71
vasopressin challenge test, 369
vasospastic angina, 7
venograms, 80–81
ventilation, 86–87. See alsorespiratory system
ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan, 137–138
ventricles, 1, 3
ventricular fibrillation, 58–59
ventricular tachycardia, 59–61
vesicles, 400
viral infection. Seeinfection
viral meningitis, 234–236
visceral pain, 536
visceral pleura, 87
vitamin B 12 , 183
vitamin D, 441
vitamin K, 177
voiding cystogram, 396–398
WBC.Seewhite blood cells
Western Blot test, 169
wheals, 400
wheezing (rhonchi), 88
white blood cells (WBCs), 176
cell overproduction (polycythemia vera), 194–196
WBC count (test), 78, 79, 446
women’s health, 495–531
breast cancer, 497–499
cervical cancer, 500–501
diagnostic tests, 529–531
dysmenorrhea, 502–503
ectopic pregnancy, 503–505
endometrial cancer, 505–506
fibroids (leiomyomas), 507–508
infertility, 508–510
labor and delivery, 521–523
menopause, 510–512
ovarian cancer, 512–514
ovarian masses, benign, 514–515
PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), 515–517
postpartum health, 525–526
preeclampsia and eclampsia, 527–529
pregnancy, 519–522
Rh incompatibility, 526–527
trophoblastic disease, 517–519
Wong pain scale, 537
wound closure, 482
wounds and healing, 411–413
abdominal, 325
of bladder and urethra, 396
of blood flow (venograms), 80–81
of bones and foreign bodies, 277
of chest, 76–77, 133
of joints (arthrograms), 279
KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) study, 394
skin’s exposure to, 406
of skull or spine, 255

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