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(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Kadam, Patil, Kaushik - Foam Mat Drying

bubbles. The maximum foam volumes obtained by shaking are also rather lower than
that in the other two methods. The flow chart of the process is as given in Figure 5. 1.

Figure 5. 1. Process flow chart of Foam-Mat drying


The most desirable characteristics of a foam honey comb is that it should consist of a
large number of small and uniform bubbles which should retain their honeycomb struc-
ture during drying. Foam bubbles usually burst because of air and thus surface energy of
the resulting drops is smaller than that of the original system. Adequate amounts of sta-

Packing and sealing of Reconsti-
tution in water

Reconstituted juice is at par
with fresh.

Ready for consumption

Juice or any aqueous media

Pre-concentration if required

Addition of foaming agent and
incorporation of air/ gas

Whipping to create foam

Drying of Foam in the form of a mat in tray

Scrapping and pulverization in the
form of powder
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