226 The Marketing Book
lower to generate more sales so as to minimize
the maximum loss.
A summary of the major stochastic meth-
ods, their possible applications in marketing
(with some references), advantages and limita-
tions is presented in Table 9.10.
Deterministic operational research methods
Deterministic techniques are those in which
chance plays no part and solutions are deter-
mined by sets of exact relationships.
Rough set theory
Rough set theory (RST) is a fairly new approach
to decision making in the presence of uncer-
tainty and vagueness (Pawlak, 1997). Rough set
theory was first introduced by Zdzislaw Paw-
lak in the early 1980s, as a new mathematical
tool to deal with vagueness and uncertainty.
This approach seems to be of fundamental
importance to artificial intelligence (AI) and
cognitive sciences, especially in the areas of
machine learning, knowledge discovery from
databases, expert systems, decision-support
systems, inductive reasoning and pattern rec-
ognition. One of the main advantages of RST
is that it does not need any preliminary
additional information about data, such as
probability distributions or basic probability
assignments, which means RST has numerous
real-world applications (Pawlak et al., 1995).
The main concept of RST is an indis-
cernibilty relation normally associated with a
set of attributes. The key problem in this
description is the informal term ‘normally
associated’. In real life, such an association does
not exist until additional assumptions are
made. The subjectivity issue is more compli-
cated than in other methods for managing
uncertainty, therefore RST is potentially an
important tool in the analysis of data with
important applications in data mining and
knowledge discovery. However, claims of its
superiority (objectivity) over other approaches
remains to be substantiated by scientific evi-
dence (Koczkodaj et al., 1998). The results of
RST are a set of ‘if... then’ rules which enable
prediction of classification of objects.
The critical issues of data mining were
examined by Lingras and Yao (1998), who used
the theory of rough sets, which is a recent
Table 9.10 Continued
Method Based on Marketing applications Advantages Limitations
Constant sum game
solution, use of a
maximum criterion
to determine, for
example, budget/
resources allocation.
Theoretical analysis
of competition/
collusion between
For decision making
by retailing firms,
mainly on: pricing
(Higgins, 1973),
product stock
determination and
advertising, budget
allocations, also for
better decision on
(a) Aids
management in
decision making
(b) Suggests a useful
approach to
problems, such
as: pricing,
outlay and
Does not have much
predictive power
compared with
other quantitative