The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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262 The Marketing Book

Table 10.6 Continued

Leisure The proportion of people taking holidays is average, but 82 per cent more people than
average take long holidays, 2.5 times more people than average go camping, and
destinations outside Britain and Europe are 82 per cent more popular than average. There
is a very high propensity to visit pubs regularly. The proportion of people eating out
regularly is slightly above average. Burger bars are popular, as are Chinese, Indian and
Italian restaurants. Sports which have very high participation rates are running and
training, cricket, tennis, cycling, squash, table tennis, skiing and climbing. Attendance at
cinemas, theatres and art galleries is very high.
Attitudes People here are less likely than average to be happy with their standard of living. They are
much more likely than average to search for the lowest prices when shopping. They are
over twice as likely as average to be vegetarian. They like to take holidays off the beaten
track, but are happy to return to the same holiday destination.

Source: ONS and GRO(S). CACI Ltd.

Figure 10.1 The use of geodemographics

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