268 The Marketing Book
use the data mining/CRM software to inter-
rogate existing customers who have both A and
B accounts. Data mining can identify what
makes these customers different from others
and what makes them more or less likely to
take both products.
Taking the overlap area in the middle of
the top of the Venn diagram, the data mining/
CRM software could be used to overlay geode-
mographic profiles for these customers (Figure
The results show that the existing A and B
account holding customers come mainly from
areas classified as Low Rise Council, Council
Flats, Town Houses and Flats, Blue Collar
Owners. This information could be vital to the
identification of target segments for the cross-
sell campaign, to acquire new customers for a
different product, but from the company’s
existing customer base for another product.
The approach can also be valuable for
other campaigns, especially acquisition seg-
mentation strategies, where customer and
transactional data on existing customers can be
used to identify the characteristics of existing
best customers in order to target others, not
currently customers, but who possess similar
characteristics. This is the identikit or cloning
approach, an example of which is provided in
the ‘targeting’ section.
Figure 10.4 takes the financial services
example further. Transactional data can be fused
Figure 10.3 MOSAIC profiles of customers who have purchased both A and B