Contributors xxxi
for several years the Sir Julian Hodge Chair in Marketing and Strategy at Cardiff University. Prior
to an academic career, he worked in retail management and in business planning. He is an active
consultant and management workshop speaker, and has worked with executives in many
organizations in the UK, the USA, Europe, Ireland, Greece, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Africa and
Zimbabwe. He has published widely on marketing and management topics, including papers in the
Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of World Business, the
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and many others. His work has focused mainly on
process issues in developing and implementing market strategies, and he is currently engaged in
research into the effectiveness of the sales/marketing interface and the modern transformation of
the sales organization. His best-known managerial books are: Market-Led Strategic Change: A Guide
to Transforming the Process of Going To Market, 3rd edn (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002) and Tales
From the Marketplace: Stories of Revolution, Reinvention and Renewal(Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999).
Forthcoming books include: David W. Cravens and Nigel F. Piercy, Strategic Marketing, 7th edn
(Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2002), and James M. Hulbert, Noel Capon and Nigel F. Piercy Total Integrated
Marketing(Free Press, 2003).
Martine Steadis Senior Researcher at the Centre for Social Marketing (CSM) at the University of
Strathclyde, having joined in 1992 with a BA (Hons) in English and a background in health
promotion and the media. Her research interests include social marketing theory and practice,
health communication, development and evaluation of mass media interventions, health
inequalities, smoking cessation and health inequalities. She has recently conducted with colleagues
a major Home Office evaluation of a 3-year drugs prevention intervention in the north-east of
England. She has published in the British Medical Journal,Health Education Researchand the Health
Education Journaland is on the editorial board of Social Marketing Quarterly.
Peter W. Turnbull is Professor of Marketing and a member of the marketing faculty in the
University of Birmingham Business School. He is a well-known researcher and writer in the field
of industrial and international marketing. His books include International Marketing and Purchasing
(Macmillan, 1981), Strategies for International Industrial Marketing (John Wiley, 1986), Research
Developments in International Marketing(Croom Helm, 1996) and Managing Business Relationships
(Wiley, 1998). Additionally, he has written numerous articles for scholarly management journals. He
has lectured widely in Western Europe and North America and has acted as consultant to a number
of national and international companies.
Caroline Tynanis Professor of Marketing and Head of the Marketing Division at Nottingham
University Business School, Chair of the Academy of Marketing, a member of the Academic Senate
of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and a Visiting Professor of Marketing at the University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her research interests include relationship marketing, particularly regarding
issues related to its application within business-to-consumer and cross-cultural contexts, services
marketing and marketing in transition economies. She has published in a number of journals,
includingJournal of Business Research,European Journal of Marketing,Journal of Marketing Management,
andJournal of Strategic Marketing, and she currently edits The Marketing Review.
Keith Wardis Visiting Professor of Financial Strategy at Cranfield School of Management. He
studied economics at Cambridge and then qualified as both a chartered accountant and a cost and
management accountant. He has worked both in the City and abroad as a consultant and held
senior financial positions in manufacturing and trading companies (the last being as Group