The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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370 The Marketing Book

This puts an additional burden on management
to recruit, train, lead, reward and monitor
effective sales performers, since this role is
crucial to the prosperity of their business.


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Marsh, L. (2000) Relationship skills for strategic
account management, Journal of Personal Sell-
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Autumn, 53–64.
Morgan, R. M. and Hunt, S. D. (1994) The
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marketing, Journal of Marketing, 58 , July,
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Ramsey, R. P. and Sohi, R. S. (1997) Listening to
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Sharma, A. (2000) Do salespeople and custom-
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Sujan, H., Weitz, B. A. and Kumar, N. (1994)
Learning orientation, working smart, and
effective selling, Journal of Marketing, 58 , July,
Wernerfelt, B. (1996) Efficient marketing com-
munication: helping the customer learn, Jour-
nal of Marketing Research, XXXIII, May,

Further reading

Carlisle, J. A. and Parker, R. C. (1989) Beyond
Negotiation, Wiley, Chichester.
Cooper, S. (1997) Selling Principle, Practice and
Management, Pitman, London.
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