The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1


The Optimal
Value Adding

Reduce Risk more
than Return Start point

Increase Return
more than Risk

Risk/Return line

Any strategy which moves the company to a point below the
Shareholders’ Risk/Return line reduces shareholder value

K 0

β 0

Controlling marketing and the measurement of marketing effectiveness 509

value-creating gap between expected and
required rates of return can be substantial. Not
surprisingly, because it is the attractive strategic
direction to take, it is also the most difficult to
achieve. In order to generate increased future
rates of return with reduced levels of risk, the
business must have developed a strong ‘sus-
tainable competitive advantage’, which is, of
course, the main objective of modern corporate
and competitive strategies. A strong sustain-
able competitive advantage should enable a
company to increase its future rates of return to
levels well above both its required rate of
return and the rates of return of its
However, its sustainable competitive
advantage could also mean that, even in the
event of a downturn in the market, its rates of
return are less volatile in the future than those
of its competitors. If this is the case, the
company’s risk profile will be lower than its
competition, which could result in a lower
required rate of return.

This introduces the key concept, which
will be utilized through the chapter, of a ‘super
profit’, which is the excess return achieved by a
business due to the development and main-
tenance of a sustainablecompetitive advantage.
The ‘excess’ return represents the surplus
expected or actual return over the rate of return
required by investors.

A sustainable competitive advantage

A key aspect of a competitive advantage in
terms of its ability to create shareholder value is
its sustainability. If competitors can match the
competitive advantage immediately, or even
relatively quickly, the company will be unable
to exploit it to achieve a super profit. This
actually highlights an important but simple
way of considering any sustainable competitive
advantage; it should act as an effective entry

Figure 20.2 Economic value-adding strategies – utilizing a strong sustainable competitive advantage

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