Controlling marketing and the measurement of marketing effectiveness 517
consequently focus on justifying the number of
salespeople by considering the relative finan-
cial contributions from different sized sales-
forces, and on validating the engineered cost
relationship being used by the salesforce (this
relationship is itself slightly dynamic as the
costs per employee will change if the size of the
salesforce changes significantly).
The other performance measure issue for
this field salesforce is how the performance of
an individual salesperson should be assessed.
In many companies this is done by setting sales
revenue targets or sales volume targets against
which each salesperson is measured. The prob-
lem is that an exclusive focus on short-term
sales revenues or volumes may be counter-
productive to the long-term strategy of the
business. For example, many branded fast-
moving consumer goods companies consider
improving the quality of the product received
by the consumer as being very important to
their long-term success. For many of these
companies, the freshness of the product is a
significant factor in its overall quality, while
they incentivize their salesforce to sell as many
goods as possible. The potential problem is that
the salesforce do not sell direct to the consumer,
but to the channel of distribution (e.g. the
retailer) which supplies to the consumer. More
sales into the channel pipeline do not automati-
cally lead to more purchases out of the channel
by these consumers; if this does not occur there
is a risk of more retail stocks and consequently
less fresh, poorer quality ultimate purchases by
the consumers. However, no blame should be
allocated to the salesforce, they merely ach-
ieved their objective of higher sales! What is
needed are performance measures which are
completely in line with the long-term objectives
of the business.
Thus, the third level of performance meas-
ures is very specific to the particular business
and its long-term objectives. These measures
must be appropriately tailored to the business
and the level within the business at which they
are being applied. It has already been estab-
lished that there is a vast range of potentially
successful competitive strategies, which are
based on a specific mix of sustainable com-
petitive advantages. Several of these different
strategies may be being implemented in vari-
ous segments of the same industry at the same
time. The performance measures used should
be appropriate to the specific requirements of
the competitive strategy, which clearly means
that different companies in the same industry
may be using very different performance meas-
ures. Indeed, the focus of their financial plan-
ning and control system should probably have
far more in common with a company in a
completely different industry but which is
implementing a very similar strategy, than with
a company in its own industry which is
implementing a completely different strategy.
A key issue for a really good financial
planning and control system is that it is tailored
to the needs of the business. This means that, if
the needs of the business change because the
strategy has changed, the control system and
Table 20.2 Field salesforce cost
Salaries X
Other employment costs X
Commission X
Recruitment X
Car expenses X
Telephones X
Petrol X
Accommodation X
Subsistence X
Entertaining X
Samples X
Consumables X
Training X
Support costs X
£10 million
At present, 100 salespeople are employed by
the company