Repeat visitors Q2R Unique visitors Q 2
Target audience Q 1
Internet universe Q 0
Q 2 /Q2R
Active visitors Q3R
Key outcomes Q4R
Active visitors Q 3
Key outcomes Q 4
Q 3 /Q3R
Q 4 /Q4R
Conversion efficiency
Q 4 /Q 3
Engagement efficiency
Attraction efficiency
Awareness efficiency
Q 3 /Q 2
Q 2 /Q 1
Q 1 /Q 0
Performance drivers
648 The Marketing Book
customers who place an order; £10 000 cost
divided by 100 conversions = £100 cost per
order. Now imagine you can double your
conversion rate, or better still quadruple it to
8 per cent; you then get £25 cost per order.
The leverage impact caused by improved
conversion rates is huge – revenues go up and
percentage of marketing costs go down. Figure
25.5 provides a summary of different aspects
of conversion from Chaffey (2001), which is
adapted from Figure 2 in Berthon et al. (1998).
It also highlights the importance of measuring
return visitors to the site.
Attrition ratesthrough the on-line buying
Churn rates – percentage of subscribers
withdrawing or unsubscribing.
Click-through rates(CTR) from a banner ad or
web link on another site to your own.
E-marketing objectives
Objectives clarify the purpose and direction of
e-marketing. Smith and Chaffey (2001) suggest
there are five broad benefits, reasons or objec-
tives of e-marketing. These can be summarized
as the 5Ss of e-marketing objectives. Marketers
will decide whether all or only some will drive
Sell. Grow sales (through wider distribution to
customers you can’t service off-line or perhaps
a wider product range than in local store, or
better prices).
Serve. Add value (give customers extra benefits
on-line, or product development in response
to on-line dialogue).
Speak. Get closer to customers by tracking
them, asking them questions, conducting
on-line interviews, creating a dialogue,
monitoring chat rooms, learning about them.
Save. Save costs – of service, sales transactions
and administration, print and post. Can you
reduce transaction costs and therefore either
make on-line sales more profitable or use cost
savings to enable you to cut prices, which in
turn could enable you to generate greater
market share?
Sizzle. Extend the brand on-line. Reinforce
brand values in a totally new medium. The web
scores very highly as a medium for creating
brand awareness and recognition.
Figure 25.5 Key metrics indicating the efficiency of web marketing in attracting and converting visitors to