660 The Marketing Book
Table 25.3 On-line executions of different communications tools
Communications tool On-line executions
1 Advertising Banner ads, search engine registration
2 Selling Virtual sales staff, affiliate marketing, web rings, links
3 Sales promotion Incentives, rewards, loyalty schemes
4 PR On-line editorial, e-zines, newsletters, discussion groups, portals
5 Sponsorship Sponsoring an on-line event, site or service
6 Direct mail Opt-in e-mail and web response
7 Exhibitions Virtual exhibitions
8 Merchandising Shopping malls, e-tailing, the interface
9 Packaging Real packaging is displayed on-line
10 Word of mouth Viral, affiliate marketing, e-mail a friend, web rings, links
Table 25.4 Summary of the strengths and weaknesses of different
communications tools for promoting an on-line presence
Promotion technique Main strengths Main weaknesses
Search engine
registration and
Large on-line reach – used by high
proportion of web users. Visitors are
self-selecting. Relatively low cost, but
Works best for specialist products rather
than generic products, e.g. insurance.
Cost – search engine optimization is
continuous as techniques change.
Relatively low cost and good targeting. Setting up a large number of links can be
time consuming.
Affiliate campaigns Payment is by results (e.g. 10% of sale goes
to referring site).
Further payment to affiliate manager
required for large-scale campaigns.
Banner Main intention to achieve visit, i.e. direct
response model. Useful role in branding also.
Response rates have declined historically
to banner blindness.
Sponsorship Most effective if low-cost, long-term
co-branding arrangement with synergistic
May increase mind-share, but does not
directly lead to sales.
E-mail marketing Push medium – can’t be ignored in users’
in-box. Can be used for direct response link
to website.
Requires opt-in list for effectiveness.
Better for customer retention than
acquisition? Message diluted amongst
other e-mails.
Viral marketing With effective creative marketing, possible to
reach a large number at relatively low cost.
Risks damaging brand, since unsolicited
messages may be received.
PR Relatively low cost vehicle for PR. Many
alternatives for innovation.
Off-line PR may give higher impact and
Traditional off-line
advertising (TV,
Print, etc.)
Larger reach than most on-line techniques.
Greater creativity possible leading to greater
impact. Can use direct response or website.
Targeting arguably less easy than on-line.
Typically high cost of acquisition.