The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1

690 The Marketing Book

British Gas has sought to address the issue of
fuel poverty and excess winter deaths through a
holistic partnership that combines the skills of
one of Britain’s leading charities with British
Gas funding, expertise and stakeholder sup-
port. Our work with Help the Aged has realised
both positive community impact and commer-
cial business benefits.
Simon Waugh, Centrica Group Director of

Lever Faberg ́e – Persil ‘Say Pants to

Poverty’ with Comic Relief

Persil raised £300 000 in just six weeks for
Comic Relief 2001, bringing the total raised
from the two-year cause-related marketing
partnership to over £560 000.
Persil’s aim was to create an innovative and
eye-catching campaign, and make as much
‘noise’ around Red Nose Day’s 2001 theme, ‘Say
Pants to Poverty’. Special promotional Persil
packs, sporting Y-fronts, bloomers and boxer
shorts on the front, went on sale from February
through to Red Nose Day on 16 March.
A donation went to Comic Relief for each
pack sold – the amount of the donation varying
according to the size of the pack purchased,
from 2p to 16p. The back of Persil packs gave
details of how to obtain a Comic Relief informa-
tion pack, full of fun ideas on how to raise
funds for Red Nose Day. Further money was
donated as a result of internal fundraising.
Persil extended its support for Comic
Relief through awareness raising events,
including TV, press and poster advertising,
toilet door signage in over 500 pubs, a PR
campaign featuring the Persil ‘Arty Pants’
collection and radio activity. Persil also spon-
sored Comic Relief’s fundraising packs for
schools and youth clubs, and the office lottery
posters (for more details, please refer to Adkins,
1999a, Chapter 17).

There is an excellent fit between Persil and
Comic Relief – both are trusted brands with a
strong heritage and caring attributes.

The partnership has clearly demonstrated
that both parties can benefit hugely – for Persil
it provides an innovative, eye-catching way to
communicate with its consumers; for Comic
Relief significant funds have been raised for
causes in the UK and Africa. It truly is a win–
win situation.
John Ballington, Corporate and Consumer
Affairs Director, Lever Faberg ́e

The relationship with Persil has worked very
well and been a real pleasure for everyone
working with them on Red Nose Day 2001. The
relationship has involved many elements
because of the different aspects of the campaign
and the Persil team has embraced them all with
a commitment and determination to make
Persil’s contribution as effective as possible.
Persil and Comic Relief had already worked
together as a major partner in 1999 and this has
meant that we could both benefit from our
experience and maximize the opportunities
open to us in 2001. Persil’s marketing team have
been completely focused on the Comic Relief
campaign and have worked tirelessly to make it
the biggest and cleanest Red Nose Day ever!
Terry Mills, Corporate Fundraising
Manager, Comic Relief


With the increasing economic power of and
pressure on business in society today, con-
sumers and other stakeholders are increasingly
demanding of businesses. The context in which
organizations are operating has changed dra-
matically in the last decade. There is a rising
tide of expectation across all sectors of society
which manifests itself in many ways, from
taking to the street with placards to taking to
the desk with a pen and paper, to taking to the
Internet. Protest, silent or violent, is a factor in
today’s society, and one which business and
marketing within the business have to take into
account if they are to continue to thrive. As
understanding of the new dynamic develops,
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