The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1

Social marketing 725

Walsh, D. C., Rudd, R. E., Moeykens, B. A. and
Moloney, T. W. (1993) Social marketing for
public health, Health Affairs, Summer,
Werch, C. E. and DiClemente, C. C. (1994) A
multi-component stage model for matching
drug prevention strategies and messages to
youth stage of use, Health Education Research,
Theory and Practice, 9 (1), 37–46.
Whitehead, M. (1992) The health divide, in
Townsend, P., Whitehead, M. and Davidson,
N. (eds), Inequalities in Health: The Black Report
and the Health Divide, 2nd edn, Penguin,
Whitehead, M. (1998) Diffusion of ideas on social
inequalities in health: a European perspective,
The Milbank Quarterly, 76 (3), 469–492.
Whitehead, M. and Diderichsen, F. (1997) Inter-
national evidence on social inequalities in
health, in Drever, F. and Whitehead, M. (eds),
Health Inequalities: Decennial Supplement.
Office for National Statistics Series DS No 15,
The Stationery Office, London.
Wiebe, G. D. (1951–52) Merchandising com-
modities and citizenship in television, Public
Opinion Quarterly, 15 , Winter, 679–691.
Wilkie, W. L. (1994) Consumer Behavior, 3rd edn,
Wiley, New York.
Woodruffe, H. (1995) Services Marketing, M&E
Pitman, London.
Worden, J. K., Flynn, B. S., Solomon, L. J., Secker-
Walker, R. H., Badger, G. J. and Carpenter, J. H.
(1996) Using mass media to prevent
cigarette smoking among adolescent
girls, Health Education Quarterly, 23 (4),
World Health Organization (WHO) (1995)
Bridging the Gaps. World Health Report for
1995 , World Health Organization, Geneva.

Further reading

Andreasen, A. R. (1995) Marketing Social Change:
Changing Behaviour to Promote Health, Social,

Development, and the Environment, Jossey-
Bass, San Francisco.
Andreasen, A. R. (2001) Ethics in Social
Marketing, Georgetown University Press,
Goldberg, M. E., Fishbein, M. and Middlestadt,
S. E. (eds) (1997) Social Marketing: Theoretical
and Practical Perspectives, Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, Mahwah, NJ.
Hastings, G. B. and Haywood, A. J. (1991)
Social marketing and communication in
health promotion, Health Promotion Inter-
national, 6 (2), 135–145.
Hastings, G. B. and Haywood, A. J. (1994)
Social marketing: a critical response, Health
Promotion International, 9 (1), 59–63.
Kotler, P. and Roberto, E. L. (1989) Social
Marketing: Strategies for Changing Public
Behaviour, Free Press, New York.
Kotler, P. and Zaltman, G. (1971) Social market-
ing: an approach to planned social change,
Journal of Marketing, 35 , 3–12.
Maibach, E. and Parrott, R. L. (eds) (1995)
Designing Health Messages: Approaches from
Communication Theory and Public Health Prac-
tice, Sage, Newbury Park, CA.
Wallack, L., Dorfman, L., Jernigan, D. and
Themba, M. (1993) Media Advocacy and Public
Health: Power for Prevention, Sage, Newbury
Park, CA.
Weinreich, N. K. (1999) Hands-On Social Market-
ing: A Step-by-Step Guide, Sage, Newbury
Park, CA.


The Centre for Social Marketing, University of
Strathclyde, Scotland:
‘The Social Marketing Network’, Canada:
Weinreich Communications, on-line resource:
Academy for Educational Development:
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