The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1

Green marketing 745

can represent a significant departure from
previous strategies, since it effectively reduces
rates for product replacement, and may require
a switch of emphasis in strategy away from
purchase and towards leasing or towards the
marketing of complementary products and
The need to examine the impact of prod-
ucts from cradle to grave is leading towards the
concept of re-marketing or even closed-loop

(waste free) marketing. Various tools are being
developed to aid the green marketer to assess
the full environmental impact of products, the
best known being life cycle analysis and eco-
balance analysis. The greatest difficulty for the
marketer is to know how far forward or back,
and down how many of the branches of the
supply chain, such an analysis should go. An
example of a cradle-to-grave life cycle is pro-
vided in Figure 28.3.

Table 28.2 Stakeholder interest in product impacts

Stakeholder Potential issue Indicator

Company shareholders
and managers

Product safety and acceptability Prosecutions; inclusion rate in
ethical funds
Employees Harmful processes and substances Accident rate; time lost due to
Customers Labelling Customer satisfaction; breaches of
government/industry guidelines
Business partners Product recall handling Efficiency, speed and success of
product recalls
Suppliers Involvement in research and

Results of supplier element of life
cycle analysis and use of results in
the design process
Competitors Health and safety performance and
effect on industry reputation

Performance against industry
benchmarks and guidelines
Government and

Product stewardship Quantity of hazardous non-product
output (NPO) returned to process
or market by reuse/recycling
NGOs, pressure
groups and other

Product safety and
socio-environmental impacts

Incidence of NGO/regulatory

Communities Harmful substances Releases to air, land and water of

Source: adapted from WBCSD (2000) Corporate Social Responsibility: Making Good Business Sense, Geneva,
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