in Context
Adaptation of
Marketing for small-to-medium enterprises 773
Conclusion: a model of SME marketing
This chapter has been framed around a prag-
matic model of SME marketing. This model is
illustrated in Figure 29.4. It incorporates the
dimensions of adaptation of marketing tech-
niques, competency marketing, networking
marketing, and innovative marketing. These
approaches are centred around the notion that
all SME marketing is done in a unique context
and that cognisance of this context must be
carefully taken into account.
The unique context of SME marketing is
built upon recognition of the huge influence of
the inherent characteristics of SMEs, partic-
ularly the limitations of resources, and the
inherent characteristics of the entrepreneur/
owner/manager upon marketing and related
decision making.
This model is not intended as an alter-
native theory of marketing which inherently
rejects other established theories trusted and
recognized by the marketing establishment.
Instead, it should be viewed as a model of
marketing ‘application’ in SMEs. The model
requires students of marketing to adopt an
‘experienced’, ‘real-world’ perspective of mar-
keting. It represents ‘how-to-do-marketing’
rather than ‘what-marketing-is’, and as such is
highly compatible with SME entrepreneurs/
owners/managers’ way of thinking, indeed,
way of ‘doing business’.
Such a model construct will be in a
constant state of flux. It will change shape and
emphasis according to the requirements of the
market environment, and the aims and desires
of the entrepreneur/owner/manager and the
SME. Whatever, can we speculate about how
marketing for SMEs will look in the future?
It is easy to ride the bandwagon of techno-
logical change and development, especially
since such developments are happening with
increasing rapidity and increasingly impacting
upon SMEs way of doing business and market-
ing. Is this technological development a threat
or opportunity to SMEs and to what extent will
Figure 29.4 A model of SME marketing