American Art Collector - USA (2021-11)

(Antfer) #1



art collector



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Finding the One


any artists capture moments in time in their art through people, places
and objects, whether that is the goal of the work or not. They are visual
storytellers painting and sculpting the world as they see it, or they could be
conveying bigger ideas in narratives that the viewer is left to unfold. Regardless,
the viewer usually adds another layer to the piece through their individual
interpretation based on their own life. It’s a shared, community experience that
allows art to be so dynamic and always changing.
When purchasing art, we often are buying because the piece is something that
we love and it has captured our attention. This could be because of how we relate
to the artwork or how the painting or sculpture just made us feel. It’s important as
a collector to hold on to that feeling because then you will enjoy being surrounded
by the art you own every single day. There might even be works that remind us of
our loved ones and they make the perfect gift for the holiday season.
In our November issue, we off er our annual Small Works & Miniatures special
section with an array of small-scale works of art that are more accessible price
points if you’re thinking of buying a work for someone else. You can fi nd
landscapes, fi gurative pieces and more. Or, if you’re looking to add to your
own collection, these pieces fi t right in with their ideal sizes. Then, as always,
take a look through our preview articles and features, because you never know
what you might fi nd that catches your eye.

Happy collecting!

Rochelle Belsito
Executive Editor
[email protected]
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