English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

prodigio: miracle; prodigy; marvel
prodigioso: prodigious; fine; exquisite
pródigo: prodigal; bountiful; lavish; generous; extravagant; spendthrift
producción: production; output; produce; yield
producir: to produce; to give; to yield; to cause; to originate
producirse: to take place; to happen; to occur; to express oneself
productividad: productivity; productiveness
productivo: productive; profitable
producto: product; proceed; yield; profit
productor: producer; productive
productora: production company
produje, produjera: producir
produzco, produzca: producir
proeza: exploit; prowess; feat; stunt
profanación: desecration; profanation
profanador: profaner; profanatory
profanar: to desecrate; to violate; to defile; to profane
profano: secular; lay; profane; irreverent; worldly; immodest
profe: teacher
profecía: prophecy
proferir: to shout; to utter; to give; to speak
profesar: to profess; to have; to entertain; to take vows
profesión: profession; calling; taking of vows
profesional: professional
profesionalidad, profesionalismo: professionalism
profesionalizar: to put on a professional basis
profesor: professor; teacher; lecturer
profesorado: professorate; teachers; teaching staff
profeta: prophet
profético: prophetic; prophetical
profetisa: prophetess
profetizar: to prophesy
profiláctico: prophylactic; condom
prófugo: fugitive; one who absents himself to evade military service; draft dodger
profundidad: depth; profundity; profoundness; deep
profundizar: to deepen; to go deep into; to make deeper; to fathom; to penetrate
profundo: profound; deep; low; profundity; sea; hell
profusión: profusion; wealth; abundance
profuso: profuse; abundant
progenie: lineage; progeny; descent; parentage
progenitor: father or mother; progenitor; ancestor; progenitores: parents
programa: programme; program; syllabus; playbill; programa electoral: election manifesto
programación: programming; programmes; programs
programador: programmer; timer
programar: to plan; to programme; to program; to schedule; to set
progre: liberal; progressive
progresar: to progress; to advance; to develop
progresión: progression; advance
progresista: progressive; liberal
progresivo: progressive
progreso: progress

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