realojar: to rehouse
realquilado: sub-tenant
realquilar: to sublet
realzar: to enhance; to heighten; to highlight; to bring out; to brighten up; to raise; to elevate; to
realzarse: to be enhanced
reanimar: to revive; to reanimate; to cheer up; to resuscitate
reanimarse: to come round; to reanimate; to revive
reanudar: to resume; to renew
reanudarse: to resume; to begin again
reaparecer: to reappear; to make a comeback
reapertura: reopening
reaparición: reappearance
rearmar: to rearm
rearmarse: to rearm
rearme: rearmament; rearming
reata: rope; lasso; drove of animals going in a single line
reavivar: to revive; to renew; to reawake
reavivarse: to revive
rebaja: reduction; discount; rebate; rebajas: sales
rebajado: reduced; humiliated; depressed; down
rebajar: to reduce; to humiliate; to disparage; to demean; to exempt; to tone down; to lower; to
cut the price of; to dilute; to add water to
rebajarse: to humble oneself
rebanada: slice
rebanar: to slice
rebanarse: to slice off; to cut off
rebañar: to scrape clean; to wipe clean; to gather up without leaving any remnants
rebaño: flock; herd; fold; drove
rebasar: to exceed; to surpass; to go beyond; to overflow; to overtake; to sail past
rebatir: to refute; to rebut; to repel; to drive back; to resist
rebato: alarm; alarm bell; tocsin
rebeca: cardigan
rebeco: chamois
rebelarse: to rebel; to revolt
rebelde: rebel; rebellious; insurgent; insubordinate; stubborn; in contempt of court;
unmanageable; defaulter
rebeldía: rebelliousness; acto of rebellion; stubbornness; rebellious act; defaulting
rebelión: rebellion; revolt; rising; insurrection
rebenque: whip; short rope
reblandecer: to soften
reblandecerse: to soften; to become soft
rebobinar: to rewind
reborde: edging; edge; rim; flange
rebosante: brimming; overflowing
rebosar: to overflow with; to overflow; to brim with; to be in abundance; to exude
rebotar: to bounce; to rebound; to clinch; to drive back; to vex; to exasperate; to upset
rebotarse: to get angry
rebote: bounce; bouncing; rebound
rebozado: coated in batter or breadcrumbs
rebozar: to coat in batter or breadcrumbs; to cover one's face with one's cloak