English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

receptor: recipient; receiver; receiving
recesión: recession
recesivo: recessive
receso: recess; break; deviation; separation; adjournment
receta: recipe; receipt; prescription
recetar: to prescribe; to order; to ask for
rechazar: to reject; to turn down; to push away; to repel; to refuse; to drive back; to rebuff; to
contradict; to impugn
rechazo: rejection; disapproval; denial; rebound; recoil; repercussion; revulsion
rechifla: jeer; derision; hissing
rechiflar: to jeer; to hiss
rechiflarse: to flout; to jeer; to mock; to ridicule
rechinar: to creak; to grind; to screech; to clank; to grate; to squeak; to gnash
rechistar: to answer back
rechoncho: chubby; dumpy; thickset
rechupete: de rechupete: brilliant; great; scrumptious; delicious; splendid; fine
recibidor: entrance hall; receiver; recipient
recibimiento: reception; welcome; greeting; drawing-room; entrance room; hall
recibir: to receive; to have; to welcome; to meet; to admit; to let in; to face
recibirse: to graduate
recibo: receipt; bill; reception; acuse de recibo: acknowledgement of receipt
reciclado: recycled; recycling
reciclaje: recycling; retraining
reciclar: to recycle; to bring up to a date
recién: recently; newly; late; new; just; recién casado: newly-wed; recién nacido: newborn
reciente: recent; fresh; late; new; modern
recientemente: recently
recinto: enclosure; place; area; grounds; precinct; recinto ferial: fairground
recio: robust; vigorous; thick; heavy; stout; bulky; gravelly; solid; tough; strong; hard; difficult;
rigorous; swift; impetuous
recipiente: container; receptacle; vessel; receiver of an air pump
reciprocidad: reciprocity
recíproco: reciprocal; mutual
recital: recital; concert; reading
recitar: to recite
reclamación: claim; demand; complaint; reclamation; protest
reclamar: to demand; to claim; to ask for; to protest; to complain; to appeal; to decoy; to call
one another
reclame: commercial; advertisement; tie block
reclamo: inducement; allurement; attraction; decoy; lure; birdcall; call; complaint; advertising;
publicity; catchword
reclinar: to lean; to recline
reclinarse: to lean back; to recline; to lean
reclinatorio: prie-dieu; kneeling desk
recluir: to shut; to lock away; to imprison; to confine; to intern; to seclude
recluirse: to shut oneself away; to seclude oneself
reclusión: imprisonment; seclusion; confinement; internment; isolation; place of seclusion
recluso: prisoner; recluse; confined; imprisoned; interned
recluta: conscript; recruit; draftee
reclutamiento: conscription; recruitment
reclutar: to recruit; to conscript; to draft; to gather together; to round up

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