relajado: relaxed; loose; dissolute; rude; dirty; filthy; dirty-minded
relajante: relaxing; soothing
relajar: to relax; to loosen; to slacken
relajarse: to relax; to loosen up; to become relaxed
relajo: relaxation; rest; relaxed attitude; mess
relamer: to lick
relamerse: to lick one's lips; to gloat; to relish
relamido: affected; prim; spruce
relámpago: flash of lightning; brief
relampaguear: to flash; to sparkle; to lighten
relampagueo: lightning; flashing; sparkling
relatar: to tell; to recount
relatividad: relativity
relativizar: to put into perspective
relativo: relative
relato: account; story; report; narrative; relation
relax: relaxation; escort services
releer: to reread; to read again; to revise
relegar: to relegate
relente: damp; night dew; cheek; assurance
relevancia: importance
relevante: important; noteworthy; prominent; outstanding; excellent; eminent
relevar: to take the place of; to relieve; to exempt; to let off; to emboss; to work in relief; to
remove; to relay; to lift up; to exalt
relevista: relay runner
relevo: changing; relief; relay; removing
relicario: reliquary; shrine; locket
relieve: relief; raised work; embossment; prominence
religión: religion; religious or monastic order
religiosidad: religiousness; punctiliousness; religiosity
religioso: religious; punctilious; monk; nun
relinchar: to neigh; to whinny
relincho: neigh; neighing; whinny
reliquia: relic; fossil; jalopy; old banger; habitual ailment remaining after an illness
rellano: landing; terrace; level stretch
rellenar: to refill; to fill up; to stuff; to fill; to fill in; to fill out; to replenish; to cram; to pad
relleno: stuffed; filled; padded; well-rounded; stuffing; filling; padding; waffle; gasket
reloj: clock; watch; timepiece; reloj de arena: sandglass; reloj de pulsera: wristwatch; reloj
despertador: alarm clock
relojería: clockmaking; watchmaking; clock and watch shop
relojero: clockmaker; watchmaker; person who sells and mends clocks and watches
reluciente: shining; glittering; relucent; bright; spotlessly clean
relucir: to shine; to glitter; to glisten; to brilliant; to excel; to look spotlessly clean; to stand out
reluctante: reluctant
relumbrar: to shine; to gleam; to glare
remachar: to hammer in; to rivet; to clinch; to underline; to drive home
remache: rivet; clinching; riveting
remanente: remainder; remnant
remangar: to roll up; to hitch up
remangarse: to roll up one's sleeves; to roll up one's trousers or skirt
remanso: backwater; still water; sluggishness; tardiness