English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

ruleta: roulette
ruletero: taxi driver
rulo: roller; curler; curl; conical stone
rulot: roulotte
ruma: heap; pile
Rumanía: Romania
rumano: Romanian
rumba: rumba
rumbo: direction; course; rhumb; bearing; trend; way; path; pomp; ostentation; liberality;
rumboso: generous; liberal; ostentatious; magnificent
rumiante: ruminant
rumiar: to chew; to chew over; to ruminate; to reflect; to think over; to meditate; to grumble
rumor: murmur; rumour; buzz; report
rumorearse que: to be rumoured that
runa: rune; runic character
runrún: hum; humming; rumour; report
rupestre: cave; rupestrian
rupia: rupee; rupia
ruptura: break; breaking-off; breach; rupture; fracture
rural: rural; country; estate car; station wagon
Rusia: Russia
ruso: Russian; Ulster
rústica: paperback
rústico: country; rustic; rural; rough; coarse; clumsy; unmannerly; vulgar; peasant
ruta: route; way; course; main road; interstate
rutenio: ruthenium
rutilante: shining; sparkling; scintillating
rutina: routine; rutin
rutinario: routine; routinish; routinist; unadventurous

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