saco: sack; bag; jacket; cardigan; sac; pillage; plunder; saco de dormir: sleeping bag; entrar a
saco: to plunder; to loot
sacralizar: to hold sacred
sacramental: sacramental
sacramento: sacrament
sacrificado: self-sacrificing
sacrificar: to sacrifice; to put down; to slaughter
sacrificarse: to make sacrifices; to sacrifice oneself; to devote oneself to God
sacrificio: sacrifice
sacrilegio: sacrilege
sacristán: sacristan; sexton; parish clerk
sacristía: sacristy; vestry
sacro: holy; sacred; sacral; sacrum
sacrosanto: sacrosant; sacred
sacudida: shake; toss; jolt; jerk; tremor; shock; sacudida eléctrica: electric shock
sacudir: to shake; to jerk; to jolt; to beat; to drub; to shock; to smack; to wallop; to dust
sacudirse: to shake off
sádico: sadistic; sadist
sadismo: sadism
sadomasoquismo: sadomasochism
saeta: arrow; hand; needle; pointer; flamenco-style song sung on religious occasions
safari: safari
saga: saga; sorceress
sagacidad: astuteness; shrewdness; sagacity
sagaz: astute; shrewd; sagacious; keen-scented
sagitario: Sagittarius; archer
sagrado: sacred; holy; hallowed; asylum; sanctuary; place of refuge
sagrario: tabernacle; sacrarium
sagú: sago
Sahara: Sahara
saharaui: Saharan
sahariana: safari jacket
sahariano: Saharan
sainete: short comedy play; seasoning; sauce; flavour; relish; spice; zest; tidbit; delicacy
sajar: to make an incision; to lance; to cut
sajón: Saxon
sake: sake; saki
sal: salt; wit; wittiness; charm; grace; salir; sales: smelling salts; bath salts
sala: room; lounge; living room; parlour; ward; hall; auditorium; court; bench; sala de espera:
waiting room; sala de estar: lounge; living room
saladero: salthouse; salting place
salado: salted; salt; salty; briny; savoury; witty; droll; cute; charming; graceful; winsome;
unfortunate; unlucky; expensive; pricey
salamandra: salamander; a kind of heating stove
salamanquesa: tarente
salami: salami
salar: to salt; to add salt to; to corn; to spoil
salarial: wage; salary
salario: salary; wages; wage
salazón: salting; salted meat or fish; salt-meat business
salchicha: sausage