English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

salsera: sauceboat
saltador: jumper; skipping rope
saltamontes: grasshopper
saltar: to jump; to spring; to leap; to bounce; to spit; to hop; to skip; to spurt; to jet; to shoot up;
to fly; to snap; to burst; to break off; to pop off; to explode; to blow up; to jump across; to come
out with
saltarse: to ignore; to miss out; to skip; to come out; to come off
saltarín: jumping; dancing: jumper; dancer; frisky; lively; restless; fidgety; feather-brained
salteado: random
salteador: highwayman; footpad
saltear: to sauté; to hold up; to rob on the highway; to assault; to attack; to skip; to do desultorily
salterio: psaltery; Psalter; Rosary
saltimbanqui: circus acrobat; juggler; tumbler; mountebank
salto: spring; jump; leap; bound; hop; skip; dive; omission; palpitation; leapfrog
saltón: bulging; prominent; protruding; jumping; small grasshopper
salubre: healthy; salubrious
salud: health; welfare; salvation; cheers; greetings!; hello!; bless you
saludable: healthy; helpful; beneficial; wholesome; salutary
saludar: to say hello to; to greet; to salute; to hail; to fire a salute to; to dip the flag to
saludarse: to say hello to each other; to greet each other
saludo: greeting; salutation; salute; bow; saludos: compliments; regards
salva: volley; salvo; salutation; welcome; tasting the viands before serving
salvación: salvation; saving; escape; deliverance
salvado: bran
salvador: saving; rescuing; delivering; saviour; rescuer; deliverer; Saviour
salvadoreño: Salvadoran; Salvadorian
salvaguarda: safeguard; protection; security; safe-conduct
salvaguardar: to safeguard
salvaguardia: safeguard; protection; security; safe-conduct
salvajada: atrocity; savagery; brutal action; stupid action
salvaje: savage; wild; uncultivated; cruel; animal; thug; brutish; rude; stupid
salvamanteles: table mat
salvamento: rescue; saving; rescuing; salvage; lifesaving; place of safety
salvar: to save; to rescue; to deliver; to overcome; to salve; to salvage; to go over; to negotiate;
to bridge; to clear; to surmount; to cover; to make an exception of
salvarse: to survive; to be saved
salvavidas: life preserver; life belt; guard
salvedad: exception; reservation; qualification
salvia: sage; salvia
salvo: save; saving; excepting; barring; saved; safe; excepted; omitted; a salvo: safe; out of
salvoconducto: safe-conduct
samaritano: Samaritan
samario: samarium
samba: samba
sambenito: sanbenito; note of infamy; disgrace
sampán: sampan
samurarái, samuray: samurai
san: saint
sanable: curable; healable

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