sensatez: good sense; sense; wisdom
sensato: sensible; judicious; wise
sensibilidad: sensitivity; sensitiveness; sense of feeling
sensibilizar: to make aware or conscious; to sensitize
sensibilizarse: to become aware
sensible: sensitive; sentient; sensible; noticeable; appreciable; perceptible; deplorable;
sensiblería: over-sentimentality; mawkishness
sensiblero: oversentimental; mawkish
sensitivo: sensory; sense; sensitive; sentient
sensorial: sensory
sensual: sensuous; sensual
sensualidad: sensuality; sensuousness
sentada: sit-in; sitting
sentado: seated; sitting; sensible; sedated; judicious; sessile; dar por sentado: to take for
sentar: to seat; to sit; to establish; to set; to suit; to become; to fit
sentarse: to sit down
sentencia: maxim; sentence; pithy saying; judgement; decision; award; opinion
sentenciar: to sentence; to pass judgement on; to determine; to decide
sentencioso: sententious
sentido: sense; consciousness; meaning; import; effect; point; direction; sensible; felt;
experienced; heartfelt; feeling; sensitive; touchy; offended
sentimental: sentimental; sentimentalist
sentimentalismo: sentimentality
sentimiento: sentiment; feeling; sense; grief; sorrow; regret
sentir: sentiment; feeling; view; opinion; to feel; to hear; to notice; to have; to experience; to
suffer; to regret; to be or feel sorry; to think; to judge; lo siento: I'm sorry
sentirse: to feel; to view; to opinion
seña: mark; detail; sign; indication; token; gesture; signal; deposit; password; señas: address
señal: sign; mark; token; symptom; landmark; reminder; track; signal; gesture; tone; deposit;
earnest; money; image; representation; prodigy; scar; cicatrice; pledge
señalado: marked; highlighted; scarred; marked; fixed; set; important; distinguished; prominent;
señalador: bookmark
señalar: to signal; to mark; to emphasize; to underline; to leave a mark on; to scar; to fix; to set;
to determine; to assign; to show; to indicate; to point to; to scar
señalarse: to distinguish oneself; to excel
señalización: road signs; signposting
señalizar: to signpost; to indicate
señera: flag of Catalonia
señero: outstanding; alone; solitary; unique; unequalled
señor: gentleman; mister; sir; master; lord; Lord; great; fine; strong; noble; distinguished; not
vulgar; gentlemanlike; ladylike
señora: lady; mistress; woman; madam; wife
señorear: to rule; to dominate; to look down on; to control
señoría: dominion; lordship; control; your lordship; your honor; your ladyship; honourable
member; Congressman; signory
señorial: stately; noble; lordly; seigniorial; manorial; feudal
señorío: rule; dominion; lordship; control; domain; manor; dignity; distinction; nobility; gentry;
gentlefolk; gravity or stateliness of deportment