English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

serio: serious; grave; dignified; stern; worried; reliable; solvent; trustworthy; sober; grave; en
serio: seriously; in earnest; not kidding
sermón: sermon; lecture; talking-to
sermonear: to lecture; to preach at; to sermonize
serón: esparto basket used for carrying goods on horseback
seropositivo: HIV positive
serpentear: to slither; to twist and turn; to wind; to meander; to serpentine; to wriggle
serpenteo: slithering; twisting and turning; winding; meandering; wriggling
serpentina: streamer; serpentine
serpiente: snake; serpent; serpiente de cascabel: rattlesnake
serrado: serrated; serrate
serraduras: sawdust
serranía: mountain range; mountainous country or region
serrano: mountain; highlander; attractive; mountain dweller; mountaineer
serrar: to saw
serrería: sawmill
serrín: sawdust
serrucho: handsaw
servible: serviceable; usable: in good condition for use
servicial: obliging; helpful; attentive; kind; serviceable
servicio: service; serving; duty; favour; favor; department; unit; serve; use; benefit; course;
chamber pot; domestic staff; servants; set; lavatory; toilet
servidor: servant; server; servitor; un servidor: I
servidumbre: domestic staff; servants; ; servitude; bondage; subjection; inevitable obligation;
drawback; burden; compulsion; easement
servil: servile; grovelling; grovelling
servilismo: servility
servilleta: napkin; serviette
servilletero: napkin ring
servir: to serve; to wait; to do for; to answer; to be employed; to help; to deliver; to be useful; to
be to be good; to follow suit; to tend; to do a favour to; to attend; to court; to wait upon
servirse: to pour oneself; to help oneself to
servoasistido: servo-assisted
servodirección: power steering
servofreno: servo brake
servomecanismo: servomechanism
servomotor: servomotor
sésamo: sesame
sesear: to pronounce c as s in Spanish
sesenta: sixty; sixtieth
sesentavo: sixtieth
sesentón: sixtyish; person in their sixties; sexagenarian
seseo: pronunciation of c as s in Spanish
sesera: brains; skull; brain pan; the entire brain
sesgado: placed diagonally; slanting; cut on the bias; biased
sesgar: to place diagonally; to slant; to cut on the bias
sesgo: bias; direction; slant; slanting; oblique; biased; cut on the bias; stern-faced; obliquity;
mean course; turn of an affair
sesión: session; meeting; showing; sitting; séance; conference; show
seso: brain; sense; intelligence; prudence; judgement
sestear: to take a nap; to have a siesta; to rest in the shade

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