sinvergüenza: rotten; crooked; cheeky; nervy; crook; cheeky devil; nervy person; brazen;
barefaced; shameless person; rascal; scoundrel
sinvivir: unbearable situation
sionismo: Zionism
sionista: Zionist
siquiera: at least; even; although; though; even if; as much as
sirena: siren; mermaid; foghorn
sirga: rope; towrope; towline; line for hauling nets
Siria: Syria
sirimiri: persistent drizzle
sirio: Syrian
siroco: sirocco
sirviente: servant; domestic; manservant; serving; servient
sirvo, sirva, sirviera, sirviere: servir
sisa: pilfering; filching; armhole; dart; armscye; size
sisar: to cheat; to pilfer; to filch; to cut darts or armscyes in a garment; to size
sisear: to hiss
siseo: hiss; hissing
sísmico: seismic
sismógrafo: seismograph
sismología: seismology
sistema: system; method; way
sistemático: systematic; methodical
sistematizar: to systematize
sístole: systole
sitiar: to besiege; to lay siege to; to put pressure on; to surround; to hem in
sitio: room; space; seat; place; spot; location; site; stand; station; country seta; villa; siege
sito: situated; located; lying
situación: location; situation; placing; state; condition; position;
situado: located; situated
situar: to place; to put; to find; to locate; to situate
situarse: to place oneself; to position oneself; to achieve a good position
skai, skay: imitation leather
slálom: slalom
slip: underpants; shorts
smog: smog
smoking: dinner jacket; tuxedo
so: under; emphatic word used with depreciatory adjectives; whoa
soba: thrashing; drubbing; pawing; kneading
sobaco: armpit; axilla; axil
sobado: worn; dog-eared; type of bun or cake
sobar: to handle; to touch; to thrash; to beat; to drub; to put back; to massage; to knead; to rub;
to soften; to paw; to vex; to annoy; to flatter; to sleep
soberanía: sovereignty; rule; sway; haughtiness
soberano: sovereign; superb; very good; great; tremendous
soberbia: pride; arrogance; haughtiness; magnificence
soberbio: arrogant; high and mighty; proud; haughty; dashing; magnificent; superb; fiery
sobornable: bribable
sobornar: to bribe; to suborn
soborno: bribery; bribe; subornation
sobra: surplus; sobras: leftovers; leavings; de sobra: more than enough