surcar: to cross; to cut through; to plough; to plow; to crease; to furrow; to groove
surco: furrow; rut; wrinkle; line; groove; rut
surcoreano: South Korean
sureño: southern; Southerner
sureste: southeast; southeastern; southeasterly
surf: surfing
surfing: surfing
surfista: surfer
surgir: to arise; to crop up; to spring forth; to gush out; to spirt; to spurt; to issue; to appear; to
Surinam: Surinam
surinamés: Surinamese
suroeste: southwest; southwestern; southwesterly
surrealismo: surrealism
surrealista: surrealist; surrealistic
surtido: assorted; stocked; selection; range; supply
surtidor: jet; petrol pump; gas pump; jet; spout; springing up fountain; supplying
surtir: to supply; to provide; to furnish; to stock; to spout; to spirt; to spurt; to spring
sus: plural se su
susceptibilidad: susceptibility; touchiness; feelings
susceptible: touchy; sensitive; capable; susceptible
suscitar: to cause; to give rise to; to arouse; to raise; to stir up; to provoke; to originate
suscribir: to take out a subscription for; to subscribe to; to endorse; to sign
suscribirse: to subscribe
suscripción: subscription
suscriptor: subscriber
suscrito: suscribir
susodicho: aforesaid; aforementioned
suspender: to suspend; to hang; to adjourn; to astonish; to ravish; to fail
suspense: suspense
suspensión: suspension; hanging; halting; stopping; cancellation; adjournment; astonishment;
suspenso: suspended; hanging; astonished; dumbfounded; fail; suspense
suspensor: jockstrap; suspensors: braces; suspenders
suspensorio: jockstrap; suspensory
suspicacia: suspicion; distrust; suspiciousness
suspicaz: suspicious; distrustful
suspirar: to sigh; suspirar por: to sigh for; to love madly
suspiro: sigh; flash; short rest; kind of cake; glass whistle
sustancia: substance; essence; matter; nutritious part of food; extract; juice; value; importance;
sustancial: substantial; fundamental; essential; nourishing
sustanciar: to summarize; to abstract; to abridge; to conduct the proceedings of a case
sustancioso: substantial; considerable; wholesome; nourishing; juicy; pithy; important
sustantivar: to use as a noun; to substantivize
sustantivo: noun; fundamental; substantive
sustentación: support; maintenance; sustentation; lift
sustentar: to hold up; to support; to maintain; to uphold; to sustain; to feed; to hold up; to defend
sustentarse: to support oneself; to live off
sustento: sustenance; maintenance; support
sustitución: replacement; substitution