English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

terruño: native land; native soil; plot of land
terso: smooth; flowing; limpid; clear; shining; terse
tersura: smoothness; limpidness; terseness
tertulia: meeting; circle; chat show; billiard or card room
tesina: dissertation
tesis: theory; idea; thesis
tesitura: tessiture; situation; circumstances; attitude
tesón: tenacity; persistence; constancy; firmness
tesorería: post of treasurer; treasury
tesorero: treasurer
tesoro: treasure; gem; darling; treasury; exchequer; thesaurus
test: test
testaferro: front man; figurehead; dummy; man of straw
testamento: will; Testament
testar: to make one's will; to cancel; to obliterate
testarazo: bang on the head; blow with the head; header
testarudez: stubbornness; obstinacy
testarudo: stubborn; obstinate; pigheaded
testículo: testicle
testificar: to testify; to attest; to give evidence; to bear witness to
testigo: witness; evidence; baton
testimonial: attesting; testificatory
testimoniar: to testify; to attest; to give evidence; to bear witness to
testimonio: testimony; attestation; witness; evidence; proof; affidavit
teta: boon; teat; breast; udder; feat; nipple; hummock; knoll
tétano, tétanos: tetanus
tetera: teapot; kettle; teat
tetero: baby's bottle
tetilla: nipple; teat; breast
tetina: teat; nipple
tetraedro: tetrahedron
tétrico: bleak; gloomy; dark; sullen; dismal
textil: textile
texto: text; textbook; great primer
textual: textual; precise; literal
textura: texture; structure; weaving
tez: skin; complexion
ti: you; yourself; thee; thyself
tía: aunt; auntie; woman; girl; coarse woman; prostitute
tiberio: row
Tíbet: Tibet
tibetano: Tibetan
tibia: shinbone; tibia; flute
tibieza: lukewarmness; tepidness; tepidity; coolness; indifference; lack of enthusiasm
tibio: warm; lukewarm; tepid; cool; indifferent; unenthusiastic
tiburón: shark
tic: tic; twitch; mannerism; habit
tico: Costa Rican
tictac: tick-tock
tiemblo: aspen; aspen tree; temblar
tiempo: time; weather; half; tense; beat; tempo; cuanto tiempo?: how long?; mucho tiempo:

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