transcendental: extremely important; momentous; far-reaching; transcendental
transcendente: extremely important; transcendental; transcendent
transcender: to get out; to be revealed; to spread; to see; to find out; to go beyond; to transcend;
to have effects or consequences; to penetrate; to find out; to be fragrant; to leak out
transcribir: to transcribe
transcripción: transcription; transcript
transcurrir: to elapse; to go by; to pass
transcurso: passing; lapse; course
transepto: transept
transeúnte: non-permanent; temporary; passer-by; transient; visitor
transexual: transsexual
transferencia: transference; transfer
transferir: to transfer; to postpone
transfiero: transferir
transfigurar: to transform; to change completely; to transfigure
transfigurarse: to be changed or transfigured
transformación: transformation; conversion
transformador: transformer; transforming
transformar: to transform; to change; to turn
transformarse: to change; to transform
transformista: quick-change artist; transformistic; transformist
tránsfuga: deserter; defector; turncoat; fugitive
transfusión: transfusion
transgredir: to break; to transgress; to violate
transgresión: breaking; violation; transgression
transgresor: transgressor
transición: transition
transigente: tolerant; broad-minded; compromising; accommodating
transigir: to give in; to compromise; to make concessions; transigir con: to tolerate
transistor: transistor
transitable: passable; practicable
transitar: to travel; to go; to walk; to pass
transitivo: transitive
tránsito: movement; traffic; transit; passage; death; stop
transitorio: temporary; passing
translúcido: translucent
translucir: to reveal; to show
transmisión: transmission; broadcasting; transfer; conveyance
transmisor: transmitter; which carries; transmitting
transmitir: to pass on; to communicate; to broadcast; to transmit; to cede
transnacional: transnational corporation
transparencia: transparency; transparence
transparentar: to reveal
transparentarse: to be transparent; to be see-through; to show through; to be obvious
transparente: transparent; translucent; window shade; see-through; obvious; clear; stained glass
window at the back of an altar
transpiración: perspiration; transpiration
transpirar: to perspire; to transpire
transplantar: to transplant; to introduce
transplante: transplant