ubicación: location; position; situation
ubicar: to locate; to lie; to place; to put; to position
ubicarse: to be located; to be situated
ubicuidad: ubiquity
ubicuo: ubiquitous
ubre: udder; dug; teat
Ucrania: Ukraine
ucraniano: Ukrainian
uf: phew; ugh; yuk
ufanarse: to boast; to pride oneself
ufano: proud; pleased; boastful; conceited; arrogant; vainglorious; glad; pleased
ufología: study of UFOs
Uganda: Uganda
ugandés: Ugandan
ujier: usher
úlcera: ulcer; sore; rot
ulcerar: to ulcerate
ulcerarse: to ulcerate
ulterior: subsequent; ulterior; later
ulteriormente: subsequently
ultimador: killer
últimamente: lately; recently; finally
ultimar: to conclude; to complete; to finish; to finalize; to end; to kill
ultimátum: ultimatum
último: last; latest; most recent; furthest; most remote; bottom; top; back; last one; latter;
ultimate; final; best; utmost
ultra: right-wing extremist; ultra; besides
ultraderecha: extreme right wing
ultraizquierda: extreme left wing
ultrajar: to insult; to offend deeply; to injure; to outrage
ultraje: insult; grave offence; injure; outrage
ultraligero: very light; microlight
ultramar: overseas
ultramarino: overseas; ultramarine; ultramarinos: groceries; grocer's
ultramoderno: ultramodern
ultramontano: reactionary; ultramontane
ultranza: a ultranza: to the death; out-and-out; at all costs
ultrasónico: ultrasonic
ultrasonido: ultrasound
ultratumba: from beyond the grave
ultravioleta: ultraviolet
ulular: to howl; to hoot; to wail; to ululate
umbilical: umbilical
umbral: threshold; beginning; bounds; realms; lintel
un, una: a; an; one
unánime: unanimous
unanimidad: unanimity
unción: unction; anointing