urbano: urban; city; police officer; courteous; polite
urbe: large city; metropolis
urdir: to plot; to forge; to warp; to devise; to contrive
urea: urea
uréter: ureter
uretra: urethra
urgencia: urgency; urgent need; emergency; urgencias: casualty department
urgente: urgent; express; pressing
urgir: to be urgent; to be pressing; to press
urinario: urinary; urinal; comfort station; public toilet
urna: urn; casket; glass case; ballot box
urogallo: grouse; capercailye
urología: urology
urólogo: urologist
urraca: magpie
ursulina: Ursuline
urticaria: nettle rash; hives; urticaria
Uruguay: Uruguay
uruguayo: Uruguayan
usado: used; employed; old; worn-out; worn; secondhand; inured; accustomed; skilled
usanza: way; custom; usage; fashion; a la vieja usanza: in the old style
usar: to use; to wear
usarse: to be used; to be worn
uslero: rolling pin
uso: use; custom; fashion; way; usage; wear and tear; wear; wearing
usted: you
usual: usual; normal; customary; affable; sociable
usuario: user; usuary
usufructo: usufruct; use; right of use; fruits; profits
usufructuar: to have the right to use; to enjoy the usufruct of; to yield profit
usufructuario: person with the right of use; usufructuary
usura: usury
usurero: usurer
usurpar: to usurp; to encroach upon
utensilio: tool; implement; utensil
uterino: uterine
útero: womb; uterus
útil: useful; profitable; fit; tool; implement; utensil; working; lawful; legal; effective; available
utilería: props
utilidad: usefulness; utility; use; profit; fruit
utilitario: utility; practical; utility car; utilitarian
utilización: use
utilizar: to use; to utilize
utillaje: equipment; tools
utopía: Utopia
utópico: Utopian
utopista: Utopian
uva: grape; berry of the barberry bush; uvular tumor; wart on the eyelid; estar de mala uva: to
be in a bad mood; tener mala uva: to be a nasty piece of work