va: ir
vaca: cow; beef; leather; cowskin; joint stock of two gamblers; vaca lechera: dairy cow
vacacionar: to holiday; to vacation
vacaciones: holiday; holidays; vacation
vacante: vacant; unoccupied; vacancy; vacation
vaciado: casting; cast; hollow; excavation; honing
vaciar: to empty; to hollow out; to excavate; to cast; to mould; to flow; to fall; to decrease
vaciarse: to empty
vacilación: hesitation; indecision; swaying; flickering
vacilante: vacillating; wavering; hesitant; indecisive; flickering; irregular; swaying; unsteady
vacilar: to vacillate; to waver; to hesitate; to be indecisive; to falter; to flicker; to be irregular; to
wobble; to sway; to stagger; to flicker; to reel; to totter; to fluctuate; to show off; to swank; to
take the mickey; to have a good each time
vacilón: show-off; tease; joker; party; cool; great; teasing
vacío: empty; vacuum; void; vacuous; vain; inane; useless; idle; concave; hollow; space; gap;
blank; flank; side; meaningless; emptiness; hacer el vacío: to isolate; to ignore
vacuna: vaccine; cowpox
vacunación: vaccination
vacunar: to vaccinate
vacunarse: to be vaccinated
vacuno: bovine; head of cattle; of cowskin
vadear: to ford; to wade; to overcome; to surmount; to sound; to penetrate; to understand
vado: ford; lowered or dropped kerb; expedient; resource
vagabundear: to wander; to stroll; to roam; to do nothing; to loaf about; to loiter about
vagabundo: vagrant; stray; tramp; bum; vagabond; wanderer
vagancia: laziness; idleness; vagrancy; loafing
vagar: to wander; to roam; to be idle; to be at leisure; to lie around; leisure; time; idleness
vagina: vagina
vago: lazy; idle; loafing; wandering; roaming; vague; indistinct; loose; hazy; imprecise; blank;
unimproved; idler; loafer; vagrant; layabout; skiver; bum
vagón: carriage; coach; car; wagon; van
vagoneta: small wagon; truck wagon
vaguada: stream bed; thalweg
vaguear: to loaf about; to laze around; to wander; to roam
vaguedad: vagueness; vague remark
vahído: blackout; fainting fit; vertigo; dizziness; swoon
vaho: steam; breath; fume; vapour; exhalation
vaina: sheath; pod; shell; case; scabbard; pain in the neck; tabling of a sail
vainilla: vanilla
vaivén: swaying; rocking; swinging; ups-and-downs; seesaw; swing; fluctuation; inconstancy;
vajilla: crockery; dishes; dinner service; plate
valdepeñas: Valdepeñas wine
valdré: valer
vale: coupon; voucher; free ticket; receipt; all right; friend; mate; buddy
valedero: valid; efficacious
valencia: valency; valence
valenciano: Valencian
valentía: bravery; valour; feat; heroic exploit; dash; boldness; brag; braggadocio