English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

vaquilla: heifer
vara: stick; switch; rod; wand; verge; staff; cane; shaft; thrill; pike; stem; stalk; flowered scape;
measure of length
varadero: repair dock; place where boats are taking ashore for safety
varado: aground; stuck
varar: to run aground; to beach; to come to a standstill
varear: to knock down; to knock off with a pole; to beat with a stick; to prick with a pike
variable: changeable; variable; moody
variación: variation; change
variado: varied; assorted; diverse; variegated
variante: variant; varying; variation; change; version; by-pass
variar: to alter; to change; to vary; to diversify; to variegate; to differ; to deviate
varice: varicose vein; varix
varicela: chickenpox; varicella
varicoso: varicose
variedad: variety; range; diversity; variation; change; changeableness; variedades: variety show
varieties: variety show
varilla: rod; stick; spoke; rib; arm; bone; stay; dipstick; wire spoke
vario: varied; different; various; diverse; inconstant; variegated; varios: various; several
variopinto: diverse; mixed
varita: wand; short stick; switch; twig
variz: varicose vein
varón: male; man; boy; man of respectability
varonil: masculine; male; manly; manful; courageous
Varsovia: Warsaw
vasallaje: vassalage; liege money; servitude; subjection; dependence
vasallo: vassal; subject; dependent; feudatory
vasco: Basque
vascuence: Basque
vascular: vascular
vasectomía: vasectomy
vaselina: Vaseline; petroleum jelly
vasija: earthenware vessel; container
vaso: glass; tumbler; vessel; receptacle; reservoir; glassful; tumblerful; hoof; vase
vástago: offspring; shoot; sprout; scion; rod; stem; tiller
vasto: vast; huge; immense; of great extent
váter: lavatory; toilet; bathroom
Vaticano: Vatican
vaticinar: to prophesy; to predict; to forecast; to vaticinate
vaticinio: prediction; forecast; vaticination; prophecy
vatio: watt
vaya: banter; raillery; ir
vaya!: well!
ve: ir; ver
vecinal: local; vicinal
vecindad: neighbourhood; vicinity; residents; vicinage
vecindario: neighbourhood; community; inhabitants; residents; neighbours
vecino: neighbour; resident; citizen; inhabitant; resident; neighbouring; near by; next;
resembling; tenant
vector: vector; vectorial
veda: ban; close season; prohibition; interdiction

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