English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

viva: hurray; cheer; viva; vivat
vivac: bivouac
vivacidad: vivacity; liveliness; animal spirits; brightness; vividness
vivalavirgen: laid-back person
vivales: opportunist; chancer
vivamente: vividly; strongly; deeply
vivaque: bivouac
vivar: to cheer; warren; fishpond; hatchery
vivaracho: lively; vivacious; dapper
vivaz: vivacious; lively; sharp; active; vigorous; keen; quick-witted; long-lived
vivencia: experience
víveres: provisions; supplies; food; victuals
vivero: tree nursery; seedbed; fish farm; hatchery; vivarium; breeding ground
viveza: energy; passion; enthusiasm; sharpness; vibrancy; liveliness; sprightliness; briskness;
quickness; warmth; vehemence; keenness; quick-wittedness; brightness; gaiety; vividness;
vívido: vivid
vividor: person who enjoys life to the full; living; long-lived; thrifty
vivienda: housing; accommodation; accommodations; dwelling; housing
viviente: living; alive; liver; living person
vivificante: reviving; vivifying; life-giving
vivificar: to revive; to vivify; to comfort; to refresh
vivíparo: viviparous; animal whose offspring develops within the uterus
vivir: life; living; livelihood; to live; to go through; to experience
vivisección: vivisection
vivo: alive; living; live; vivid; brisk; quick; smart; keen; acute; sharp; intense; vigorous; lively;
bright; deep; hasty; quick-tempered; expressive; vehement; persuasive; running; unslaked; raw;
edge; edging; border
vizcaíno: inhabitant of Vizcaya; Biscayan
vizconde: viscount
vizcondesa: viscountess
vocablo: word; term
vocabulario: vocabulary
vocación: vocation
vocacional: vocational; technical
vocal: vocal; member; vowel
vocalista: vocalist; singer
vocalizar: to enunciate; to vocalize
vocativo: vocative
voceador: newsboy; town crier; vociferator; vociferating
vocear: to vociferate; to shout out; to broadcast; to cry; to publish; to shout; to cheer; to acclaim
vocerío: shouting; outcry; uproar
vocero: spokesperson; spokesman
vociferar: to shout; to vociferate
vodevil: vaudeville
vodka: vodka
voladizo: projecting; jutting out; projecting member; corbel
volador: flying; fleeting; running fast; skyrocket; flying gurnard
voladura: demolition; blowing up; blasting; flying through the air
volandas: en volandas: in the air; as if flying; rapidly; quickly
volante: flying; volant; wheel; frill; flounce; referral; shuttlecock; leaflet; flier; balance wheel;

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