aeronave: aircraft
aeroplano: airplane; aeroplane
aeropuerto: airport
aerosol: aerosol
aerostática: aerostatics
aerostático: aerostatic
aeróstato: hot-air balloon; airship
aerotaxi: taxiplane
afabilidad: affability
afable: pleasant; affable
afamado: famous
afamar: to make famous
afán: effort; desire
afanador: cleaner
afanar: to steal; to pinch
afanarse: to work hard; to make a big effort
afanoso: enthusiastic
afasia: aphasia
afear: to criticize
afección: condition
afectation: affectation
afectado: affected
afectar: to affect; to upset; to pretend; to damage
afectividad: sensitivity
afectivo: emotional; affectionate
afecto: affection; fondness
afectuoso: affectionate
afeitado: shave
afeitadora: electric razor; electric shaver
afeitar: to shave; to shave off; to file down
afeitarse: to shave; to have a shave; to shave off
afeite: make-up
afeminado: effeminate
afeminamiento: effeminacy
aferrar: to seize
aferrarse: to cling
affaire: affair
Afganistán: Afghanistan
afgano: Afghan
afianzamiento: strengthening; reinforcement
afianzar: to strengthen; to reinforce; to confirm
afianzarse: to be consolidated
afición: interest
aficionado: amateur
aficionar: to interest
aficionarse: to become interested
áfido: aphid
afilado: sharp; pointed
afilador: sharpener; knife grinder
afilalápices: pencil sharpener
afilar: to sharpen