English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

bucear: to dive; to swim underwater; to snorkel; to explore
bucanero: buccaneer
buceo: diving
buche: crop; stomach; mouth; bosom; suckling ass
bucle: curl; loop
bucólico: bucolic
Budapest: Budapest
budín: pudding
budismo: Buddhism
budista: Buddhist
buen: apocopated form of bueno used only before a masculine substantive
buena: mess
buenamoza: handsome; attractive
buenaventura: good luck; happiness; fortune told by a fortuneteller
buenazo: good-natured; easy-going
buenmozo: handsome
bueno: good; well; nice; kind; good-looking
buey: bullock; steer
búfalo: buffalo
bufanda: scarf; muffler
bufar: to snort; to fume; to puff and blow
bufé: buffet
bufete: law firm; writing desk
bufido: snort
bufo: comic; farcical; bouffe; buffoon
bufón: buffoon; jester
buganvilla: bougainvillea
buhardilla: attic; dormer window; garret; skylight
búho: owl; eagle owl
buhonero: street seller; pedlar; peddler; hawker
buitre: vulture; greedy person
bujía: candle; candlestick; candlepower; spark plug
bula: bull; bulla
bulbo: bulb
buldog: bulldog
buldozer: bulldozer
bulerías: Andalusian song and dance
bulevar: boulevard
Bulgaria: Bulgaria
búlgaro: Bulgarian
bulimia: bulimia
bulla: noise; uproar; racket; crowd
bullanga: noise; uproar; tumult; racket; disturbance
bullanguero: lively; animated; lively person; noisy person; rioter
bulldog: bulldog
bulldozer: bulldozer
bullicio: hubbub; hustle and bustle; noise; stir; riot
bullicioso: noisy; boisterous; restless; lively; merry; bustling; busy
bullir: to bubble; to come rushing; to boil; to seethe; to bustle about
bulo: untrue story; canard; hoax; false report
bulto: lump; bulge; piece of luggage; bulk; volume; size; swelling; form; shape; body

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