English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

cargo: post; position; charge; loading; burden; weight; debit; employment; duty
carguero: freighter; transport plane; beast of burden
cari: grey
cariacontecido: downcast; sad; troubled; crestfallen
cariar: to rot; to cause to decay; to cause caries
cariarse: to decay
cariátide: caryatid
Caribe: Caribbean; brute; savage
caribú: caribou
caricatura: caricature; cartoon
caricaturizar: to caricature
caricia: caress; stroke; petting; endearment
caridad: charity
caries: tooth decay; caries
carillón: carillon
cariño: love; affection; fondness; tenderness; care; solicitude; darling
cariñoso: loving; affectionate; kind; endearing
carisma: charisma; charism
carismático: charismatic
caritativo: charitable
cariz: aspect; look
carlinga: cockpit; mast step
carmelita: Carmelite
carmelito: brown
carmesí: crimson
carmín: carmine; lipstick
carnada: bait
carnal: carnal; of the flesh; first
carnaval: carnival
carnaza: bait; abundance of flesh
carne: flesh; meat; carne de gallina: goose flesh
carné: card
carnero: ram; sheep; mutton; charnel; sepulchre
carnet: card; notebook
carnicería: butcher's; carnage; slaughter; massacre
carnicero: butcher; carnivorous; blood-thirsty; sanguinary
carnívoro: carnivorous; carnivore
carnoso: fleshy; carnose
caro: expensive; costly; high-priced; dear; beloved
carolingio: Carolingian
carota: insolent; cheeky; cheeky person
carótida: carotid
carpa: carp; marquee; big top; awning; tent
carpeta: folder; letter file; portfolio; writing-table cover; writing case
carpetazo: dar carpetazo: to lay aside; to shelve; to pigeonhole
carpintería: carpentry; carpentering; carpenter's shop
carpintero: carpenter; joiner
carraca: rattle; carrack; clumsy old boat; rattletrap; load of junk; ratchet brace
carraspear: to clear one's throat; to hawk; to suffer from hoarseness
carraspera: hoarseness; frog-in-the-throat
carrera: run; running; race; journey; course; university studies; career; ladder; street; road;

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