English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

cirujano: surgeon
cisco: broken up charcoal; row; breeze; shindy
cisma: schism; discord; split
cisne: swan; poet
cisterciense: Cistercian
cisterna: cistern; reservoir; water tank
cistitis: cystitis
cita: appointment; engagement; date; assignation; citation; quotation
citación: summons; citation; quotation
citar: to make an appointment with; to cite; to summon; to quote
citarse: to arrange to meet
cítara: cithara; cithern; cittern; zithern
citología: cytology; cervical smear
citoplasma: cytoplasm
cítrico: citric; citrus
ciudad: city; town
ciudadanía: citizenship; people; population
ciudadano: citizen; urbanite; civic
ciudadela: citadel
cívico: civic; civil; polite
civil: civilian; civil;
civilización: civilization
civilizado: civilized
civilizar: to civilize
civilizarse: to become civilized
civismo: civic duty
cizaña: discord
cizañear: to sow discord in
clamar: to cry out; to clamour; to clamor; to want; to require; to demand
clamor: clamour; clamor; outcry; plaint; cry of affliction; knell; toll of bells
clamoroso: noisy; clamorous; crying
clan: clan; gang
clandestinidad: secrecy; clandestinity
clandestino: clandestine; secret
claqué: tap dancing
clara: white; bald spot; thinly woven spot; break; shandy
claraboya: skylight; clerestory
clarear: to get light; to make clear; to dawn; to clear
clarete: rosé; claret wine
claridad: light; brightness; distinctness; plainness; clarity; clearness
clarificar: to clarify
clarificarse: to become clear; to be cleared up
clarín: bugle; clarion
clarinete: clarinet; clarinettist
clarividencia: lucidity; clairvoyance; clear-sightedness
clarividente: lucid; clairvoyant; clear-sighted
claro: bright; full of light; clear; plain; obvious; distinct; intelligible; thin; sparse; light;
outspoken; gap; break; space; interval; clearing
claroscuro: chiaroscuro; clear obscure
clase: class; order; kind; sort; classroom; lesson; lecture; style
clasicismo: classicism

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