English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

cochera: garage; coach house; livery stable; tramway depot
cochero: coachman; carriage driver
cochinada: dirty thing; dirty trick
cochinillo: sucking pig
cochino: pig; hog; dirty; filthy; piggish; paltry
cocido: boiled; done; cooked; baked; Spanish dish of boiled meat and vegetables
cociente: quotient
cocina: kitchen; cooker; cuisine; cooking; galley
cocinar: to cook; to meddle
cocinero: cook
coco: coconut; ugly person; bogeyman; head; face; grimace
cocodrilo: crocodile
cocorota: nut; head
cocotero: coconut palm
cóctel: cocktail; cocktail party
coctelera: cocktail shaker
codazo: poke with the elbow; nudge
codear: to elbow; to move the elbows
codearse: to rub shoulders; to mix
codeína: codeine
codera: elbow patch; itch on the elbow; stern fast
códice: codex
codicia: greed; covetousness; cupidity
codiciar: to covet
codicioso: greedy; covetous; grasping; desirous; industrious; hard-working; greedy person
codificar: to codify; to code; to encode
código: code
codo: elbow; bend; cubit
codorniz: quail
coeficiente: coefficient; rate
coercitivo: coercive
coetáneo: contemporary
coexistencia: coexistence
coexistir: to coexist
cofia: women's cap; hair net; coif
cofrade: brother; sister; member; member of a confraternity
cofradía: brotherhood; association; guild; confraternity
cofre: trunk; chest; coffer; trunk-fish
cogedor: shovel; dustpan
coger: to take; to size; to grasp; to take hold of; to catch; to overtake; to pick; to gather; to
collect; to take up; to absorb; to cover; to occupy
cogida: goring; picking; gathering; harvest
cogido: gather in cloth; trapped
cogollo: heart; shoot; the cream; the best
cogorza: drunkenness
cogote: nape of the neck
cohabitar: to live together; to cohabit
cohecho: bribery; bribing
coherencia: coherence; cohesion
coherente: coherent; consistent
cohesión: cohesión

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