English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

cuatro: four; fourth; a few
cuatrocientos: four hundred
Cuba: Cuba
cuba: cask; barrel; tub; vat; big-bellied person; estar como una cuba: to be drunk
cubalibre: drink of gin or rum and cola
cubano: Cuban
cubata: drink of gin or rum and cola
cubertería: canteen; cutlery
cubeta: dish; bulb; tray; bucket; cup; cistern; cuvette
cúbico: cubic
cubículo: cubicle
cubierta: cover; covering; envelope; deck; roof; roofing; case; casing; shoe of a pneumatic tire;
cubierto: covered; sheltered; roof; cloudy; place setting; set of fork, spoon and knife
cubil: den; lair
cubilete: goblet; mould; shaker; dicebox; small round mince pie
cubismo: cubism
cubista: cubist
cubito: ice cube
cúbito: ulna; cubit
cubo: bucket; pail; tub; hub; nave; cube; brick; water reservoir; barrel of a watch; round tower
cubrecama: bedspread; counterpane; coverlet
cubrir: to cover; to wrap; to envelop; to cloak; to clothe; to drape; to shroud; to veil; to coat; to
face; to overlay; to spread; to hide; to mask; to disguise; to protect; to roof; to travel; to fill
cubrirse: to cover oneself; to put one's hat on; to shield; to cloud over
cucaracha: cockroach; black beetle; pill bug
cuchara: spoon; spoonful; ladle; scoop; bucket; dipper
cucharada: spoonful
cucharadita: teaspoonful
cucharilla: teaspoon
cucharón: ladle; bucket
cucheta: bunk
cuchichear: to whisper
cuchicheo: whispering
cuchilla: blade; large knife; cutting tool; sword; runner
cuchillada: stab wound; stab; slash; gash
cuchillazo: cuchillada
cuchillo: knife; gore in a garment; truss of a bridge; frame of a roof
cuchitril: hole; hovel
cuclillas: in a squatting or crouching position, sitting on one's heels
cuco: nice; pretty; dainty; crafty; cunning; cuckoo
cucurucho: paper cone; cornet; ice-cream cone; pointed hood
cuello: neck; throat; collar
cuenca: socket; basin; watershed; wooden bowl
cuenco: earthen bowl; hollow; concavity
cuenta: sum; count; bill; check; account; bead; behalf; care; duty; responsibility; report
cuentagotas: dropper
cuentakilómetros: milometer; speedometer
cuentarrevoluciones: rev; counter
cuentista: gossipy; gossip; tale-bearer; story writer
cuento: tale; story; short story; gossip; yarn; falsehood; lie; gist; difficulty; quarrel; count;

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