desasosiego: anxiety; unease; disquiet; uneasiness
desastrado: scruffy; untidy; shabby; ragged; wretched; unfortunate
desastre: disaster; catastrophe
desastroso: disastrous; unfortunate; very bad
desatar: to untie; to undo; to solve; to unbind; to unfasten; to unravel
desatarse: to come untied; to break out
desatascador: plunger
desatascar: to unblock; to clear; to unclog
desatender: to neglect; to pay no attention to; to ignore; to disregard
desatento: inattentive; discourteous; impolite; unmannerly
desatino: blunder; absurdity; nonsense; folly; error
desatornillador: screwdriver
desatornillar: to unscrew
desatrancar: to unbolt; to unbar; to unblock; to clear
desautorizar: to forbid; to ban; to discredit; to disauthorize; to disavow
desavenencia: disagreement; row; discord; quarrel
desayunar: to have breakfast
desayuno: breakfast
desazón: uneasiness; discomfort; indisposition; displeasure; vexation; worry; insipidity
desbancar: to oust; to displace; to clean out; to clear of benches
desbandada: disbandment
desbandarse: to scatter; to disperse; to disband
desbarajuste: mess; disorder; confusion
desbaratar: to spoil; to ruin; to destroy; to waste; to squander; to frustrate; to foil; to thwart; to
disperse; to rout; to break up
desbarrar: to glide; to slide; to talk nonsense; to rant on
desbloquear: to unblock; to restore; to unfreeze; to raise the blockade on
desbocarse: to stretch; to bolt; to get carried away; to run away
desbordamiento: overflowing; breaking all bounds
desbordante: uncontrolled; overflowing
desbordar: to overflow; to go beyond; to exceed
desbordarse: to overflow; to burst; to brim; to break all bounds
desbrozar: to clear of weeds or rubbish
descabellado: ridiculous; ludicrous; preposterous; wild; absurd; dishevelled
descafeinado: decaffeinated; watered-down
descalabrar: to hit on the head; to hurt; to injure; to damage; to occasion loses on
descalabrarse: to hurt oneself
descalabro: disaster; misfortune; damage; loss; defeat
descalcificación: decalcification
descalcificar: decalcify
descalificar: to discredit; to disqualify
descalzador: bootjack
descalzar: to take off somebody's shoes; to remove wedges or chocks from; to dig under; to
descalzarse: to take off one's shoes; to lose a shoe
descalzo: barefoot; barefooted; unshod; discalced
descamar: to scale; to desquamate
descamarse: to flake off
descambiar: to exchange; to return
descaminado: lost; on the wrong road; mistaken; wrong; misguided; ill-advised
descamisado: shirtless; ragged; wretched; destitute; ragamuffin