descripción: description; inventory; schedule
descriptivo: descriptive
descrito: described
descuajaringar: to break up; to pull apart
descuajaringarse: to break; to fall apart; to fall about laughing; to become exhausted
descuajeringar: descuajaringar
descuartizar: to carve up; to cut up; to quarter; to divide into pieces
descubierto: discovered; open; uncovered; clear; overdraft; deficit; patent; manifest; bareheaded
descubridor: discoverer; scout; discovering
descubrimiento: discovery; uncovering; revealing; disclosure
descubrir: to discover; to find; to find out; to expose; to give away; to reveal; to disclose; to
exhibit; to make known; to betray
descubrirse: to reveal oneself; to give oneself away; to come to light; to uncover
descuento: discount; reduction; deduction; rebate
descuidado: untidy; slovenly; careless; negligent; neglected; unaware
descuidar: to neglect; to relieve from care; to divert the attention
descuidarse: to let oneself go
descuido: oversight; mistake; untidiness; neglect; negligence; slight
desde: from; since
desdecirse: to retract; to unsay
desdén: disdain; contempt; scorn
desdeñar: to scorn; to disdain
desdeñoso: scornful; scathing; contemptuous
desdibujarse: to become blurred
desdicha: misfortune; unhappiness; misery
desdichado: unlucky; unfortunate; miserable; unhappy; wretched; poor devil
desdoblar: to unfold; to spread open
desdoblarse: to split; to divide
deseable: good; nice; desirable
desear: to desire; to wish; to want
desecar: to dry up; to drain; to desiccate
desecarse: to dry up
desechable: disposable
desechar: to give up; to drop; to turn down; to reject; to throw out; to throw a way; to cast aside;
to banish; to refuse; to underrate
desecho: waste; refuse; rubbish; reject; reminder; scrap; contempt
desembarazarse: to free oneself
desembarcar: to land; to put ashore; to unload; to offload; to disembark; to go ashore; to debark
desembarco: disembarkation; landing
desembocadura: mouth; outlet; exit
desembocar: to flow; to disembogue; to end; to result; to lead to
desembolsar: to pay; to disburse
desembolso: payment; outlay; disbursement; expenditure
desembragar: to release the clutch; to unclutch; to ungear; to disconnect
desembuchar: to disgorge; to speak out; to tell all one knows
desempacar: to unpack; to unwrap
desempaquetar: to unwrap; to unpack
desemparejado: odd
desempatar: to break the deadlock; to decide
desempate: breaking the tie between; deciding match
desempeñar: to hold; to occupy; to carry out; to fulfill; to play; to redeem; to recover