English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

desgarbado: ungainly; ungraceful; gawky
desgarrado: tattered; ragged; piercing; torn; ripped; brazen; shameless; licentious
desgarrador: heart-rending; rending
desgarrar: to tear; to rip; to break; to rend; to cough up
desgarrarse: to tear; to rip; to break; to tear oneself away
desgarro: rip; tear; rent; effrontery; impudence; swagger
desgarrón: rip; tear; shred; tatter
desgastar: to erode; to wear out; to abrade; to consume
desgastarse: to wear out; to wear oneself out
desglosar: to break down; to separate; to detach a part of a book
desglose: breakdown; separation; detachment
desgobierno: anarchy; misgovernment; mismanagement; disorder
desgracia: tragedy; misfortune; bad luck; mischance; disfavour; gracelessness; accident;
desgraciado: unfortunate; unhappy; unlucky; graceless; disagreeable; wretch; unfortunate; swine
desgraciar: to break; to damage; to ruin; to displease; to spoil; to mar; to cripple; to seriously
desgraciarse: to be ruined; to spoil; to fail; to fall out
desgranar: to remove the grain from; to thresh; to shell; to spell out; to list
desgravable: tax-deductible
desgravación: deduction; relief; lowering of duties or taxes
desgravar: to lower the duties or taxes on
desgreñado: dishevelled; tousled
desgreñar: to dishevel; to ruffle
desgreñarse: to untidy one's hair
desguace: scrapping; breaking up; scrap yard; breaker's yard; breaking up of a ship
desguarnecer: to leave defenceless; to dismantle; to leave without garrison; to unharness; to
desguazar: to break up; to scrap; to roughdress
deshabillé: negligée
deshabitado: unoccupied; uninhabited; deserted; untenanted
deshabitar: to move out of; to vacate; to leave
deshabituar: to break the habit; to disaccustom; to free from a habit
deshabituarse: to break one's habit; to leave off a habit
deshacer: to undo; to unmake; to untie; to open; to loosen; to consume; to destroy; to divide; to
cut to pieces; to take apart; to upset; to rout; to melt; to liquefy; to dissolve; to cancel
deshacerse: to come undone; to dissolve; to melt; to break up; to go to pieces
desharrapado: ragged; scruffy; in tatters
deshecho: undone; unmade; dissolved; melted; broken; devastated; exhausted; worn out;
destroyed; in pieces; crushed
deshelar: to melt; to defrost; to de-ice; to thaw
deshelarse: to thaw; to melt
desheredado: disinherited; deprived; underprivileged; poor; destitute
desheredar: to disinherit
deshidratación: dehydration
deshidratar: dehydrate; to deprive of water
deshidratarse: to become dehydrated
deshielo: thaw; thawing
deshilachado: frayed
deshilachar: to fray; to ravel out
deshilacharse: to fray; to become frayed

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