despintarse: to fade; to lose its paint; to lose colour
despistado: absent-minded; confused
despistar: to shake off; to confuse; to throw off the scent
despistarse: to get confused; to get distracted; to loose the scent; to get lost
despiste: absent-mindedness; slip
desplante: irregular posture; arrogant or insolent act or words
desplazado: out of place; displaced person
desplazamiento: movement; journey; trip; displacement
desplazar: to move; to displace; to take the place of
desplazarse: to move; to travel; to swing; to scroll
desplegar: to unfold; to spread; to lay out; to open out; to unfurl; to use; to deploy; to explain; to
desplegarse: to unfold; to open; to spread; out; to expand; to deploy
despliegue: deployment; display; show; unfolding; displaying
desplomar: to throw out of plumb
desplomarse: to collapse; to plunge; to tumble down; to crash down
desplumar: to pluck; to clean out; to fleece
despoblación: depopulation; stripping of trees; emptying of fishes
despoblado: deserted; uninhabited; uninhabited area
despoblar: to depopulate; to clear; to strip; to empty
despoblarse: to become depopulated; to become desert, bald, treeless or empty of fishes
despojar: to strip; to divest; to despoil; to deprive; to dispossess
despojarse de: to remove; to take off; to give up
despojo: plundering; plunder; loot; despoilment; despoliation; stripping; divesting;
dispossession; spoils; booty; despojos: leftovers; offal; remains; rubble; leavings; scraps; mortal
despolarizar: to depolarize
despolitizar: to depoliticize
desportillar: to chip or break the edge of
desportillarse: to get chipped
deposar: to wed; to marry
desposarse: to wed; to get married; to be betrothed
desposeer: to dispossess; to deprive; to divest; to oust; to remove
desposeerse: to give up; to renounce
desposeído: deprived
desposorios: marriage; nuptials; engagement; betrothal
déspota: despot; tyrant
despótico: despotic
despotismo: despotism
despotricar: to rant and rave; to talk without restraint
despreciable: despicable; contemptible; worthless; negligible
despreciar: to look down on; to underestimate; to despise; to contemn; to scorn; to slight; to lay
aside; to reject; to undervalue
despreciarse: to despise oneself
despreciativo: scornful; derogatory; contemptuous
desprecio: contempt; scorn; disregard; slight; snub
desprender: to remove; to detach; to give off; to loose; to separate; to emit; to send; to give out
desprenderse: to come off; to come loose; to detach itself; to issue; to come forth; to dispossess
oneself; to follow; to be inferred
desprendido: loose; generous; disinterested
desprendimiento: detaching; coming loose; emission; disinterestedness; indifference; descent